CPC urges Montenegrins to oppose “annexation”


CCP Metropolitan Mihailo, Photo: Boris Pejović

CCP Metropolitan Mihailo, Photo: Boris Pejović

The canonically unrecognized Orthodox Church of Montenegro (CPC) called on political parties, non-governmental organizations, public, cultural and scientific workers and Montenegrin associations in the diaspora to stand up in front of national and international organizations in defense of the dignity and independence of the homeland, reports PCNEN.

“The state was attacked by forces that seek to resolve its independence, so the amendments to the Freedom of Religion Law will legalize the legal basis for 50 square kilometers of church lands, 60 monasteries and 650 churches to be registered as property of Serbia, “the CCP said in a statement.

The goal, they believe, is to prepare the conditions for the re-annexation of Montenegro to Serbia.

“We especially appeal to Montenegrin associations in the diaspora to do everything in their power to make the international public aware of these events and support the CCP in the country,” the statement added, reports the RTCG portal.

They also addressed the deputies of the government parties, who asked them to “carefully reflect on the scope of the consequences of such a decision,” which, as they say, will be a crime of treason against their own country, before raising their hands. to approve reforms to the law.

They called on citizens to gather in front of the Montenegrin Parliament on the day when the approval of the amendments to the Law on Religious Freedom is on the Assembly’s agenda and to protest against the “shameful occupation and treacherous proposal.”

This invitation was sent after an extraordinary gathering of the canonically unrecognized CCP metropolitans, bishops, clergymen and monks, held in Cetinje.


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