
Since courier shipments are often misused for smuggling purposes, distribution warehouses and operators’ vehicles are regularly subject to customs controls.

Thus, on September 29, 2020, a truck of the Sabac license plate courier service, which was on the road from Belgrade to Nis, was stopped on the Merošina – Novo Selo road for control purposes.

photo: Carina

Due to the impossibility of a detailed on-site inspection, the truck was escorted to the central warehouse of the courier in Nis, where the entire shipment was unloaded.

photo: Carina

Among the shipments were discovered around 30 kilograms of cut tobacco, more than 100 winter jackets, vests and sweatshirts, as well as more than 50 pairs of sneakers with the brands of well-known brands without accompanying documentation.

photo: Carina

The goods in dispute will be retained until the end of the infringement procedure initiated against the courier service before the competent court.

photo: Carina

The Serbian Customs recalls that, after the changes last year, the Postal Services Law provides for greater responsibility for courier operators. Now the operator has the obligation to request the sender’s personal documentation, which was not the case before. That is, the misdemeanor report was previously filed in the name of the sender, which was often fabricated.

However, if the operator receives a suspicious shipment for transport, and has not verified the real identity of the sender, the responsibility for the infringement will be borne by him. Messenger Service. Amendments to the Postal Services Law, which give more responsibility to courier operators, are one of the ways to stop illegal commerce over the Internet.


delivery courier

Author: delivery courier
