COURAGE OR MADNESS Watch THIS man’s INCREDIBLE reaction when an armed man breaks into a cafe in Vracar (VIDEO)


According to unofficial information, the target of the attack was one of the few men who were sitting at a table in the middle of the cafe.

When they saw the man carry a rifle with him, presumably “Uzi” or “Heckler,” they were all lying on the ground in fear, says a source in Kurir.

The gunman paid no attention to anyone, but instead entered the bar.

At that time, there was a general panic, and even some guests literally flew over the chairs trying to save their lives.

The two men, who were also in the cafe garden, immediately started running away, so they hid behind the bar. From his reaction, it seemed as if they knew he had come for them. Some guests escaped from the cafe during that time to save their lives.

What is very impressive is the reaction of the only man in the video who, in the midst of this chaos, continued to make phone calls without any stress, just like when a gunman broke into the bar.

photo: print screen

A man in a white shirt was sitting to the left of the group that was a potential target. Only in a moment did he get up from his chair and see the panic of the people around him, but he quickly returned to his seat and continued speaking. Even the company at his table ran away, but not him. Courage, composure, or insanity, judge for yourself:

Police are investigating the case in detail and are looking for a person who entered the cafe with a gun.


Delivery courier

Author: Delivery courier
