COUGH IS NO LONGER THE FIRST CROWN SYMPTOM – These are becoming more common means you may have Kovid-19


– The clinical picture differs from the previous wave. Today headaches dominate, temperatures up to 38.5 degrees, pronounced weakness, back pain. Some do not even have a fever, but have weakness, a severe headache that is difficult to pass when they take painkillers – he explained.

Masal told Tanjug that more and more patients who have diarrhea and vomiting are the first sign of the disease.

– Cough is not the first symptom now and it is not dominant in our patients. In more severe patients, the cough appears later, he noted.

It stands out that the number of patients has increased one hundred percent compared to the period of three weeks ago, and that there are many more first exams than controls.

Masal points out that mostly younger patients dominate, waiting rooms are constantly crowded, patients wait a long time for an X-ray, but also for laboratory results.

– We do tests quickly, we examine 100 patients per shift, but the laboratory and X-rays cannot work with that dynamic, so the results are waiting a long time. It takes an hour, an hour and a half to process the lab data, he said.

Every day, two doctors and two technicians work in the Kovid ambulance of the Vračar health center in the morning, and the same number on the afternoon shift and a doctor on the shift.

During the day, they make about 100 swabs for PCR testing, and they also do serological testing, as well as antigen testing.

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