Cosmic dance of two giant black holes brighter than the glow of a trillion stars / video /



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In a galaxy billions of light years from us, two huge black holes are caught in a cosmic dance that produces an explosion of light stronger than the blaze of billions of stars, like our Sun.

This strange couple black holes It was captured in galaxy OJ 287, 3.5 billion light-years away from Earth.

One of the black holes is absolute. Geneva. Its mass is about 18 billion times bigger than our Sun and it is one of the biggest black holes that scientists have been able to discover until now. “Dwarf“The companion of this unusual dance is smaller, but it also has 150 million times more mass than our closest one stars.

About twice every 12 years, a smaller black hole goes through a huge one a disk of dust and the gas surrounding its supermassive summit. This journey is liberating explosion whose light outperforms the shine of a trillion stars. This amazing eruption is so powerful that it is for scientists. visible from Earth too, so they even managed to predict the interaction time of these two black holes in the distance to the galaxy.

NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory has released a snapshot of this fascinating phenomenon.

The smallest black hole seemed to move breaks through orbit their largest sums in no order. However, a new study recently published in the Astrophysical Journal Letters reveals that scientists have been able to predict the latest event and Nasin the Spicer telescope was able to capture the events of OJ 287 at the right time.

“When I first checked the visibility of the OJ 287, I was surprised to find that Spicer was filming just the day we expected it to arrive. explosions“Says Sepo Lane, the scientist who monitors the work of this powerful telescope.

“We were extremely fortunate to capture the climax of the flash with Spicer, because no other man-made instrument is capable of accomplishing this feat at some point,” added Lane.

The next flash is planned to 2022 year, and the next trip will be, as scientists assume, in 2033 and 2034, reports RTS.

As expected, this stunning cosmic dance will eventually end in disaster, as it will for the next 10,000 years. smaller black hole probably suction yours a giant susetka.

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