Coronavirus vaccination begins in Serbia


If the official announcements of the first vaccine come true, the citizens of Serbia could receive it next week. Just under 5,000 doses of vaccine from Pfizer and Biontek should reach Serbia, which is enough for about 2,500 people. Senior citizens are now a priority and it is not yet known when mass vaccination will begin.

The companies “Pfizer” and “Biontek” submitted the documents for the registration of the vaccine in Serbia on December 2. The import permit was issued two days ago for 20,475 doses of the Pfizer vaccine, explains the Agency for Drugs and Medical Devices. First, 4,875 doses will arrive, which is enough for 2,437 citizens.

President of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić says the amount is less than the previously expected 10,000 doses of this vaccine.. Previously it was announced that the first vaccines would go to health workers, now the plan is for them to be nursing homes.

“Especially people 75 and older, let’s try to vaccinate them first, therefore immunize them,” Vucic explained.

And for the vaccination to begin, follow another step. Laboratory quality control and certification. Pavle Zelic from the Medicines Agency explains that 24 hours is more than enough for that.

This means that if the vaccine arrives on Monday, the first citizens of Serbia could receive it immediately the next day.

Adverse reactions to Feiser’s vaccine are mild in the highest percentage, and most often it is redness and swelling at the application site, fatigue, muscle pain and headache, while allergic reactions occur in a small number of cases, explains Zelic.

“The only problem seen so far is allergic reactions, but they have been shown to be allergic to certain ingredients in the vaccine in patients. This is something we should pay special attention to. Examine the patient before administering the vaccine. There is a possibility of that the patient is not aware that he is allergic to any ingredient in the vaccine and, of course, that the professionals who give him the vaccine must take care that he remains fifteen minutes in the place where the vaccine is administered, “says Zelic.

It adds that the Russian Sputnik V vaccine is currently being tested in the Agency’s laboratory.

We will learn about the effects of the Pfizer vaccine in preventing the spread of the virus in the coming months, explains immunologist Emina Milošević.

“What we don’t know about these vaccines is how much they can prevent asymptomatic infection. That is, whether they will provide complete prevention of the spread of infection when they are distributed,” says Milosevic.

The information comes from Kovacs that it will provide access to doses to all countries, members of that system, in the first half of next year.

The European Union recalls what the president of Serbia asked of it at the beginning of the pandemic: solidarity. The European Commission is working intensively to ensure that vaccines procured by the European Union reach the Western Balkan countries as soon as possible, said former European Union ambassador to Serbia Sam Fabrizi.

The president of Serbia explains that the fight for vaccines is the same as that of respirators.

“And believe me, I will provide at least 50,000 vaccines for free, and maybe 100,000 vaccines. And outside the European Union. And from the European Union, I hope to provide more than that for free,” promises Vucic.

Most of the citizens of Serbia are waiting their turn for now, because we still do not have an answer to the question of when the mass vaccination will start.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
