Coronavirus-pulmonology – consequences for the lungs – Dr. Tatjana Radosavljević


Pulmonologist Tatjana Radosavljevic says that people who have contracted the coronavirus can have serious consequences of diseases that can be seen in the lungs and the heart. She called on all who do not believe that the crown exists to ask the relatives of the deceased and condemned the anti-vaccination protest that took place today in Belgrade.

When asked how she commented on the protests by opponents of vaccination in Belgrade, Dr. Radosavljevic said on “Nano dana” on TV N1 that promoters of the anti-vaser movement should know that children, if there were no vaccines, they would die of cerebral meningitis and could not walk due to polio.

He also condemned criticism from protesters protesting the information that Serbia has signed the consent for vaccines to be tested on it, adding: “To enter the testing program, you must sign the consent.”

“And the story that kovid does not exist … People who left it and the families of those who buried their loved ones for the crown should ask,” said Dr. Radosavljevic, adding that it is true that this virus does many things for the body. that doctors have not known about until now.

When asked about the health problems of people who have had a crown, he says that they have a feeling of shortness of breath for a long time, especially when the weather changes or they are exposed to some effort.

It is a subjective feeling that people have in the convalescent phase, but the radiological image also shows the state of things.

He points out that depending on whether there was bilateral or unilateral pneumonia, each case is individual, but that there are people with very slow pulmonary changes, and that some of the convalescent have heart rhythm disturbances, because the virus leaves effects and the heart, causing inflammation of the cardiac sac and heart muscle.

One of the consequences of the corona, says the doctor, is the fact that in a large number of patients the blood is very thick and prone to forming clots, so they drink preparations to prevent blood clots or are in “therapy antiaggregation “.

There are, he adds, elevated factors that affect changes in muscle tissue as well as bone marrow.

“We and our colleagues around the world are dealing with the consequences of the corona, not to mention the neurological consequences, fatigue, post-traumatic stress and not to mention how scared people are that the disease will not return, although there are rare cases of reappearance of individual virus particles “. Dr. Radosavljevic said.

He noted that the consequences of this virus are nothing like other viral infections that he has encountered in his long career.

The doctor states that she advises those who cross the crown to change their environment, but the question also arises of when to train them for work, since hard work is not advised in the first period of convalescence.

Regarding preventive measures in the face of the new wave expected in Serbia, Dr. Radosavljevic, in addition to wearing masks, recommends natural means to strengthen immunity, such as honey, royal jelly products, goat’s milk, goat cheese …

“So much vitamin C and vitamins and minerals that are given as prevention of covid. The natural immune response is to strengthen, to drink teas … I am in favor of natural preparations and not of supplements”, concluded Dr. Radosavljević.
