Coronavirus in third gear in Rasina district, another 163 patients


According to the report from the Krusevac Public Health Institute, in the last 24 hours, another 163 new patients with the Kovid 19 virus were infected in the Rasina district, out of the 262 samples sent. The accommodation capacity in the Infectious Diseases Department of the Kruševac General Hospital has been completed, thus providing a further 60 beds. 145 people are in hospital, 25 are above normal capacity, 17 are on respirators. 16 are on non-invasive ventilation and one is intubated.

The health system is in a difficult situation for several reasons. The health workers were tired and the disease hit them too. Among approximately 930 healthcare workers, 31 tested positive for the Kovid 19 virus and 18 people were isolated due to family contacts with patients.

Illustrationphoto: Ana Paunković

Despite the large number of patients and the great fatigue of the medical workers, the organization of work and the operation of the system progress without visible problems. 10,802 people are under medical supervision.

Most of the new infected are in Kruševac – 76, then in Trstenik – 36, in Brus there are 19, in Aleksandrovac and Varvarin 15 each, and two new patients were registered in Ćićevac.

The number of patients among primary and secondary school students is constantly growing. Since the start of the school year, a total of 111 students have been infected, and 16 in just one day. Most of the sick schoolchildren are from Kruševac – 61, from Aleksandrovac – 22, from Trstenik – 16, from Brus 8, in Ćićevac there are three and in Varvarin one. The Kovid 19 virus has also been reported to 23 educators in the District.

The crown has been confirmed so far in a total of 4,685 people in the District. Most of the people are from Kruševac – 2,365, followed by Aleksandrovac – 927 and Trstenik – 849. So far there are a total of 234 in Brus, 175 in Varvarin and 135 in Ćićevac.

(Ž. M.)

delivery courier

Author: delivery courier
