Coronavirus in a school in Belgrade: parents will be punished


The start of school, on September 1, will turn out to be a day later, was the beginning of a new agony for parents, and new threats from the ministries of health and education. At a school in Belgrade, a child infected with a coronavirus who did not know it attended classes; Sanctions were announced for the students’ parents the following day. Therefore, the question is reopened: were the messages communicated clearly and did those to whom they were addressed take them seriously?

Namely, the studentshowed up at school on the first day of the new school year, while waiting for the coronavirus test result. The Ministry of Education immediately filed a complaint against the parents of the students with the Social Work Center for violating the safety of other children.

A day later, the Deputy Minister of Health, Goran Stamenković, told H1 that in this case the criminal responsibility of the parents will probably be determined, as well as that fines are foreseen for natural persons.

“There will probably be a criminal responsibility of the family, the parents. The Ministry of Health, of course, as logistics in certain situations, depending on the information we receive from the competent Public Health Institute or Trampolín, we will take measures, and for an individual there is liability for misdemeanors of 50,000 to 150,000 dinars, “says Stamenković.

The Undersecretary of Health explains that the amount of the punishment will depend on the epidemiological risk assessment for other children in the class, after health supervision. During that time, the students were transferred to online classes and the teacher also did not come to the school.

There are harsh messages from the Ministry of Health on parental behavior.

“Of course, such behavior of the parents is inadmissible, of course, it is inadmissible that after all these months, after so many public appeals by the Crisis Staff, ministers and ours and education and other government ministers, a family behave like this with indifference … “, estimates Stamenkovic.

However, the Crisis Staff member, Dr. Predrag Kon, believes that there will be no consequences for the other children, especially if they all wore masks, but that the crown will certainly enter the school and that the same situation can happen in any class.

“We must not have any misconception that he will not enter school, because simply no one stopped the virus. These children did not know they were infected. This case that I know is asymptomatic. This child is controlled because the father of the family suffers from a serious illness illnesses, and the mother again works in kovid conditions in the red zone, so she used that situation to prove – protect a family member, “says Kon.

The announcement of harsh sanctions as an example for others only creates additional tensions in an already complicated situation, believes Gordana Plemić of the Parents Association and reminds that, before punishing, parents must be given clear instructions.

“When you suspect a symptom, when you examine a child for some other reason, wearing a mask, what happens when a child has a fever at school, I believe that parents should be given absolutely strict information on how to behave in situations where they find. “, says Plemić.

Clear procedures, solidarity and only then punishment and put on the pillar of shame, Plemić notes and asks parents to be responsible not only to their own, but also to other children and entire school groups.
