Coronavirus and November: what happened in the most difficult month since the beginning of the pandemic – BBC News in Serbian


November Statistics

Number of cases registered in November in the region

In the last 30 days there have been daily records of the number of people infected and killed by the consequences of the corona virus in Serbia, the patriarch of the Serbian Orthodox Church has passed away, masks have become mandatory, but more rigorous measures have not been adopted .

The good news came from several laboratories working on a possible vaccine for the corona virus, and the creators of these vaccines claim that the analyzes have shown high efficiency in the fight against the virus.

Many countries in the world have introduced more rigorous measures, due to the increase in the number of infected and deceased, in some countries of the region there are traffic bans and curfews in force.

There are no rigorous measures in Serbia as they were at the beginning of the epidemic, and high school students and all high school students have switched to online classes since the last day of November.

On the last day of the month, which marked one year since the appearance of the first case of Kovid-19, almost 63 million people were registered in the world and more than 1.4 million people died.

Diary black records

Serbia received the month of November with 46,954 registered cases, while until the last day of the month a total of 175,438 cases of infection were registered.

In the last 30 days alone, more than 128,000 cases of infection have been recorded in Serbia.

During November, daily records of infected were registered and the most positive were on November 27, when 7,780 cases were registered.

Epidemiologist and crisis staff member Predrag Kon told RTS a few days earlier that there were many more infected than officially confirmed and that the number of infected could be multiplied by 10 to get a roughly exact number.

“If we find 6,000, that day is 60,000,” Kon said.

And the number of deaths increased from a few a day to several dozen a day during November.

The record was set on the penultimate day of the month, when 65 people died in 24 hours.

High figures were also recorded in the countries of the region.

In November, between two and four thousand cases of infection were recorded daily in Croatia.

The total number of infected people in that country went from 46,547 on the last day of October to 128,442.

The death toll increased from 531 to 1786.

As of November 30, Bosnia and Herzegovina registered 87,907 infected people, while on the last day of October there were 46,639 and 1,499 people died in a month.



Montenegro registered more than 22,000 cases in a month, almost 5,000 more than from the start of the pandemic until early November.

In November alone, 188 people died (a total of 478 since the beginning of the pandemic).

Slovenia has recorded 42,867 cases in the last 30 days, and a total of 75,370 since the start of the pandemic.

A total of 1,384 people have died since the start of the pandemic, of which more than a thousand in November alone.

On the last day of October, a total of 18,910 people were infected in Kosovo, while on the last day of November, a total of 39,596 people were infected. In one month, the number of deaths increased from 674 to 1,016.

North Macedonia registered more cases in a month than since the start of the pandemic. On the last day of October there were 29,558 infected, while on the last day of November a total of more than 62,000 infected were registered.

And the number of deaths has nearly doubled in the past 30 days, from 977 to more than 1,750.

The number of infected people in the world increased from just over 45 million to almost 63 million in one month. More than 200,000 people died in a month.

New prohibitions

On the last day of November, the crisis staff for the fight against the corona virus met and proposed mandatory tests for all who come to Serbia from abroad.

While in many countries there are bans on the entry of foreign nationals and a curfew is in force, there are no rigorous measures in Serbia.

The use of masks is mandatory indoors, as well as outdoors where it is impossible to keep your distance, the catering facilities and shopping centers are open until 6 pm, and secondary and high school students, as of November 30, attend online teaching.

Unlike the start of the epidemic in March, when, despite much lower numbers, a curfew was introduced, there is now no indication that such a thing could happen.

Epidemiologist Zoran Radovanovic told the BBC in Serbian in early November that people had lost trust in crisis personnel and the government since March, and that it was now much more difficult to impose tough measures.

“The problem is that we do not insist on existing measures either. If the use of masks indoors is mandatory, then those who do not wear them should be punished, ”said Radovanović, adding that there are intermediate solutions between wearing masks and curfew, and that the problem is that they are not applied.

Ivan Bekjarev, Patriarch Irinej, Miša Aleksić…

With record numbers in November, it has become increasingly common for everyone to know at least someone who has had or has a corona virus, and more and more people know someone who has died from the effects of Kovid- 19.

Since the penultimate day of October, the Metropolitan Amfilohije of Montenegro and the Litoral died as a result of the corona virus, about twenty days later, the head of the Serbian Orthodox Church, Irinej, also died.

In the last days of November the news arrived that the drummer of the band Amadeus, Bojan Zlatanović Tokan, passed away at the age of 45 as a result of the crown.

The bassist of the rock band Riblja čorba, Miroslav Miša Aleksić, also died in late November at the age of 67 as a result of Kovid-19.

The day before, Mikica Zdravković, bassist of the punk band Kragujevac Man without Hearing, passed away.

Actor Ivan Bekjarev died in Belgrade and his colleague Dragan Jovicic died in Sarajevo, as did Hasan Muratovic, a former minister and prime minister of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Vaccines: light at the end of the tunnel?

Person receiving the vaccine

fake images

In the sea of ​​bad news about the corona virus in the country and the world, in November the hopes of seeing the end of the pandemic arrived.

Although hundreds of coronavirus vaccines are being developed around the world, so far, several of them, according to their creators, have shown high efficiency.

First, on November 9, news came from Pfizer and BioNTech that the world’s first vaccine against the corona virus had been developed.

As announced, preliminary analyzes showed their vaccine to be “90 percent effective,” with the comment that this is a “great day for science and humanity.”

On the last day of November, the American company Moderna submitted a request to the authorities of the United States and the European Union for the approval of the corona virus vaccine it is developing.

Approval would mean the vaccine could be recommended for widespread use.

The company announced on November 16 that the vaccine that protects against Kovid-19 is nearly 95% effective.

News has also come from Russia that the Sputnik V vaccine, which is being developed by its experts, is more than 90 percent effective.

On November 23, the world learned that the British vaccine for Kovid-19 from AstraZeneca and the University of Oxford was extremely effective at an advanced stage of testing.

In front of Kovid ambulances all over Serbia, there is a large crowd and nervousness is omnipresent.:

Korona virus: Jutro pred kovid ambulantom
The British Broadcasting Corporation

Announcements came in November that the first doses of the vaccine would arrive in Serbia by the end of the year.

Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić said on November 16 that the state “would do everything possible to try to get vaccines by the end of this year, 500,000, one million doses.”

Sanja Radojevic Skodric, director of the Republic Health Insurance Fund (RHIF), also said that “the first doses of the corona virus vaccine will arrive in Serbia before the New Year, and the first condition is that the vaccine is safe.” .




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