
On the day that Serbia saw the largest daily increase in the number of patients since the start of the epidemic, with 512 new cases in the last 24 hours, a volunteer who participated in the Oxford vaccine trial died in Brazil.
According to the latest data, another patient died in Serbia in the last 24 hours and another 512 cases of infection were recorded. So far, the total number of deaths is 781.
The University of Oxford announced that the vaccine trials, in which it is working together with the company AstraZeneca, will continue despite the death of the volunteer, as after a “careful evaluation” it was determined that there are no threats to safety.
Brazilian authorities did not reveal the details of the death, citing confidentiality protocols.
Not all participants in the vaccine development study received the same
The number of infected people in the world exceeded 40.7 million and around 1.1 million people died, according to data from Johns Hopkins University.
What is happening in Serbia?
Most of those infected are in Belgrade, and epidemiologist Branislav Tiodorović says that among those infected there are mostly young people who have a milder clinical picture or even asymptomatic.
His colleague Predrag Kon posted on Facebook to respect the protection measures.

According to the latest data, 512 new cases of infection have been registered in Serbia and another patient has died.
Since the beginning of the epidemic, the virus has been registered in 37,120 people and 781 have died so far.
Another 7,425 people were evaluated, 490 were hospitalized and 27 patients were on ventilators.
The Municipal Institute of Lung Diseases in Belgrade says that the number of examinations has doubled, meaning that about ten days ago there were 25 patients examined and now there are about 60 of them.
Dr. Ljiljana Timotijevic, director of the Municipal Institute of Pulmonary Diseases, says that of the 60 examined, seven were sent for hospital treatment and that the patients appear due to high temperature, shortness of breath and weakness.
“The number of first exams is twice as high as the control ones,” Timotijevic told RTS.
Patients ages 30 to 50 come for exams.

In short of the world:
- Scientific studies show that factors such as age, weight and gender can increase the risk of “long Kovid-19”
- OR Brazil plan to use the Chinese vaccine according to the plan of the national immunization program
- Those who in Ireland violating restrictive measures, paying a fine of up to 500 euros
- government Czech Republic Urgent ambush to consider new safeguards
- Ukraine announced that in the last 24 hours it had a record number of deceased patients – 141
- More than 40.7 million people in the world have been infected with the corona virus and more than 1.1 have died, according to data from Johns Hopkins University.
How (not) to wear a mask
What is the situation in the region?
The countries of the region register a daily increase in the number of infected:
So far, there have been 1,017 deaths and 25,560 have been recovered.
Croatia: 28,287 confirmed cases
So far, 393 people have died and 21,435 have recovered
So far, 850 people have died from the effects of the corona virus.
In the session of the Republic of North Macedonia, a decision was made to limit the working hours of all catering facilities to 11 pm, except those that make deliveries, as well as limit the number of passengers in public transport vehicles .
The state and public administration will work in shifts or online from home, and the track and field race in Skopje has been canceled.

Kosovo: 17,139 confirmed cases
So far, 657 people have died from the consequences of the coronavirus and 14,787 have recovered.
247 people died and 11,581 recovered.
There are currently 7,714 active cases of the infection and 200 people have so far died.
The curfew is in force in Slovenia from 9:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.
Look: How to distinguish the symptoms of coronavirus, flu and colds.
How is the world
Since the number of infected in Brazil increasing every day, it was decided to include a Chinese coronavirus vaccine in the national immunization program.
The authorities have decided to buy 46 million doses of KoronaVak. Vaccination begins in January.

Those who violate the restrictive measures in Ireland He will pay a fine of 500 euros, according to the new regulations.
There is also a record number of infected people Czech Republic. In one day, 11,894 newly infected people were reported. On that occasion, the Czech government will hold an emergency meeting to consider additional restrictive measures.
Schools are already closed, masks are mandatory in places where there are crowds. Restaurants and pubs can only deliver.
Chinese airline Kataj Pacifik announced that it will have to lay off 8,500 employees due to costs and losses.
Many other airlines around the world are in a similar situation, as are those that deal with travel and tourism.
In the area around Naples in Italy, a movement ban is planned to be introduced overnight on Friday.
Health Minister Roberto Speranza says that “they work day and night so they don’t have to lock everyone up in their homes” and urged Italians not to make trips unless necessary.
The number of infected people is also high in Ukraine and 141 people died in one day.
See: How Kovid-19 affects the body
Anil Hebar iz India, who lost ten closest friends to Kovid-19, decided to volunteer for a clinical trial of the vaccine.
OR England Tighter restrictive measures will be introduced starting Saturday to prevent the spread of the virus. The new measures will cover more than seven million people in Yorkshire, Manchester, Liverpool and Lancashire.
Since October 19, those who live in Melbourne they can travel within 25 kilometers of their homes for training or shopping. The gathering of up to 10 people from two different households is allowed.
There is no time limit during your stay outdoors and during exercise. Hair salons, tennis and golf courts, as well as skate parks are opening.

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