BELGRADE – At the Belgrade special hospital “Sveti Sava”, which has been in the kovid system since Friday, 27 patients are being treated with kovid-19, two of whom are on a ventilator, it was announced from that hospital.
The coordinator of the covid department in that health institution is Pavle Petrović He said the hospital already had Kovid patients with a stroke and that between 15 and 16 patients had been admitted to Kovid’s ward since Friday morning.
“These are mostly difficult and immobile patients that we transferred to other kovid centers three weeks ago, but due to the increasing number of infected people in kovid hospitals, we returned them to them because those patients are difficult to care for in other institutions” , said. is Petrovic for TV Pink.
He said the department’s capacity is 60 seats and that if the current admissions dynamic continues, all seats will be filled by tomorrow night or by Monday morning at the latest.
“Patients are arriving who do not have a nervous system dysfunction or a recent stroke, but have covid disease and need to be admitted,” Petrovic said.
He added that the hospital has enough trained doctors, and that although it functions as a covid hospital and not a corpse, it manages to overcome that problem. Petrovic said that there was infection among medical personnel and that there were “dropouts” of the system every day, but that the infection was minimized.
He said doctors and medical staff have been under great pressure and stress since the first wave, when, he noted, they were the only institution in Serbia and the region that performed mechanical thrombus removal as the latest procedure for treating stroke. acute.
“Anesthesiologists are especially under pressure, but also other specialists: neurologists, internists and radiologists. We have to attend to both covid and necovid patients, there is a lot of pressure on health workers in all hospitals and that is why I do a called on citizens to use protection to the fullest ”, said Petrovic.
He said that the coronavirus leaves consequences in all organ systems, and not only in the immune and respiratory systems, which are the most mentioned.
“It begins as a viral infection, but a ‘cascade’ is activated that completely changes the immune response of the patient, so that someone can have a myocardial infarction, someone a stroke, the disease can have consequences on the state of consciousness “Petrovic explained.

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