Corona Section in the region: The best situation in Serbia


The highest number of cases of kovid 19 infection in the last 24 hours was recorded in Croatia, while the fewest new infections were recorded in Serbia.

Source: B92

Illustration: Getty images / Alexander Koerner

Illustration: Getty images / Alexander Koerner

In the last 24 hours, they have registered in Serbia. 72 new cases, and one person died from the effects of the coronavirus.

3,138 people were tested.

According to the latest information from the Ministry of Health, there are 21 people with respirators.

Laboratories of the Institute of Public Health Montenegro have completed PCR analysis of 545 samples for the novel coronavirus since the last section.

Total registered 116 new positive cases of infection. It was reported in the last 24 hours. recovery in 88 patients.

In the last 24 hours on North macedonia It is registered 148 new cases of coronavirus of the 1,224 citizens examined and died three people.

OR Croatia has been confirmed in the last 24 hours 190 new cases of coronavirus infection, and there are currently 1,316 active cases of infection.

Among them, 280 patients are in the hospital, of which 23 are connected to a ventilator. Three people died.

OR Slovenia the result of the coronavirus was positive in 159 cases among 1,917 tests performed, while 19 died as a result of the consequences a person.
