Corona is causing us more and more problems, almost 2,000 KOVID PATIENTS ARE IN HOSPITALS and more and more are being filled


– The crown is causing us more and more problems and our hospitals are getting more crowded. Almost 2,000 patients are in hospitals – Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić said today at a press conference, summarizing what was the subject of a special government session in which he also participated.

In the next few days and weeks, he says, we will be able to finish the hospital in Btajnica.

– All the companies and companies that work in that hospital will work in three shifts, so it will start operating on December 1. We are in an increasingly difficult situation, especially Belgrade – he pointed out.

He pointed out that, according to current data, today there are seven deaths, and due to the lower number of tests, we have fewer infected, with a higher percentage of positives.

The President called on citizens to adhere to measures to protect our seniors.

Many in the hospital for more than 30 days.

He noted that many ended up in the hospital where they have been for more than 30 days, and said he did not want to talk about how much it costs many times what everyone spends on health insurance.

Vučić expressed his belief that the Kruševac hospital can be completed by Saint Nicholas.

“Then we dramatically increased the capacity of the hospital,” he concluded.

He asked the citizens to respect the measures against the crown, and he also had a request for the Crisis Staff.

“I ask the crisis staff not to close the catering facilities”

Today, Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić asked Prime Minister Ana Brnabić and all members of the crisis staff not, if possible, not to make a decision on the closure of the catering facilities, so that they do not run out of income.

In the conference after the government session, Vučić said that Serbia does not need to shut down its economy.

– I prayed today and in the days before, and the Prime Minister and Kona, Pelemis, Stevanovic, Kisic and everyone else at Headquarters … only if possible not to close everything in catering and everywhere, if possible, but of course, if not, we will close – said Vučić.

He points out that at the moment, people who work in the restoration need “every dinar”, considering that they worked less in the first waves of the pandemic.
