Belgrade: control over the work of restoration facilities in Belgrade will be strengthened in the next period.
Source: Tanjug

Photo: Deposiphoto, alexwhite
The teams of the health inspection services and communal police will be doubled, it was agreed today in the session of the City Crisis Staff, and it was pointed out that in the last month between seven and 10 fines were imposed on weekends for not implementing the prescribed measures.
Mayor Zoran Radojicic says that about 100 catering establishments in the Belgrade territory are monitored on weekends, but that in the next period the number of inspection teams that control the work of catering establishments and retail chains will be the double.
He told Tanjug that penalties are prescribed primarily because there is a larger group of people at insufficient distance in the gardens of cafes and restaurants.
“Mainly the explanation is that it is a family … But there is a risk that the rule will be broken. It is also the responsibility of the owners of the facilities to take care and not let more guests enter the gardens and restaurants than planned”, Radojicic said after the Crisis Staff session. .
He added that the objective is to re-draw attention to the importance of maintaining the current situation achieved through the application of all prescribed measures, through greater supervision of catering and trade facilities.
“There is no relaxation, maximum attention is still needed, to behave in accordance with epidemiological conditions,” Radojicic said.
He said that the epidemiological situation in Belgrade was improving and that the number of new cases of coronavirus was decreasing, specifying that from August 31 to September 9, 9,300 patients with respiratory infections arrived at the ambulance.
In the same period, as he said, 192 cases of infection with the kovid 19 virus were recorded in the territory of Belgrade.
Since the beginning of the epidemic, 7,997 coronavirus patients have been registered in Belgrade.
“All the data shows that the situation is better than it was, but we still have to respect the measures, be conscientious, wear masks, keep our distance … The epidemic has its dynamics, but it is important that we give our contribution and that Either let’s slow down as much as possible, ”Radojicic concluded.
Representatives from the Secretariat for Communal Affairs, the Secretariat for Inspection Affairs, the Secretariat for Public Transportation, the Secretariat for Education and Child Protection, and the Institute of Public Health of the City attended the sessions of the Monetary Headquarters of the City.