Confirmed: “Serbia joins the chosen little family”


Belgrade – The director of the Serbian Tourism Organization, Marija Labovi, confirmed today, as she puts it, “very good news” that Serbia is becoming part of Milen’s gastronomic guide.

Source: B92

Photo: Depositphotos,

Photo: Depositphotos,

“Only 33 countries have restaurants that bear any of the Milen insignia, and not all EU countries. Serbia joins a small selected family,” Labovi said.

Serbia will be able to match world quality when it comes to gastronomic offer, Labovi said.

“This year, at the tourism fair, we presented Mielin to tourism leaders as the first step of our cooperation. Now we are taking the second, most important step, which is a step to enter the gastronomic selection of Milen, which will contribute significantly to positioning Serbia as a gastronomic destination, “said Labovi. .

When Milen arrives at a destination, he said, it significantly improves his image.

“The big meeting will be announced in early December as the procedure is still ongoing,” he said, adding that Milen’s election would be known then.

He said that it would start from Belgrade, but hoped it would later spread to the rest of Serbia.

“The inspection and evaluation of Mielina itself is independent, they are very secretive, nobody knows what the choice will be,” Labovi said.

That is, Serbia has become part of the prestigious Milen gastronomic guide, and which restaurants in our country received this, the most prestigious culinary award will be known in December.
