10.11.2020. 07:00 – 10.11.2020. 08:18
Politician Ivan Andrić survived what most of the world fears today: the corona virus

Ivan Andrić, Photo: Private archive
After 11 days of treatment in the temporary hospital of “Belgrade Arena”, on the social network Twitter, he shared his admiration for the medical workers and the work system in the hospital, but also a warning to all who ignore the symptoms of the infection.
In a conversation for “Hello!”, Ivan Andrić reveals how was his struggle with the terrible disease, as well as the treatment.

Ivan Andrić leaving Kovid hospital, Photo: Private archive
– About three weeks ago I felt that I had a slightly elevated temperature, I felt fine and had no other symptoms, but as a precaution I went to get tested. At the Infectious Disease Clinic, they told me I was positive for the crown and suggested that I go for treatment in the “Arena”, which I initially wanted to refuse – Andrić said to “Alo!”.
He thought, as he himself says, that he could be saved and cured at home, and that he did not need hospital care, but fortunately, at the urging of a friend, he left.
– I went in there with some prejudices. People were guessing all kinds of things about those temporary hospitals and didn’t know what to expect. I was surprised. All as one, perfectly organized, friendly and willing to help, doctors, nurses and staff – says our interlocutor and adds:
– I had the impression that they don’t stop at all. They go from patient to patient nonstop to give therapy, do a regular checkup, or answer a question. How much that can mean to a person, you wouldn’t even know if you hadn’t experienced it. It gives you a feeling of security, that you are safe, that someone takes care of you non-stop, that your condition cannot get worse without someone coming to your aid. I’m excited.

Andrić: Heroes work in the “Arena”, Photo: Masanori Jošida
His public announcement, he says, was just a small expression of gratitude to all the medical workers, whom he calls true heroes.
– I wrote about my experience so that all the people in Serbia would hear what kind of heroes we have. I wanted to tell those who are reconsidering whether to go to the hospital not to think for a moment, that the greatest experts will take care of them, as if they were the only ones there, and not as if 300, 400 or 500 more patients were waiting for them. – says our interlocutor.
Thus, as the only patient, he says they also treated him.
– My condition was quite normal, I had no serious symptoms during the first days and my temperature even dropped. However, thanks to these constant checks, a few days later I was diagnosed with pneumonia, although I still felt fine – she says and continues:
– If I were at home, I wouldn’t even know, I wouldn’t call the doctor, I wouldn’t change anything in therapy. Inflammation would develop and who knows how it would happen. Thus, my therapy was introduced immediately, I was under supervision and everything was repaired in about ten days. Now I am at home and spreading information about our heroes is my way of giving back and thanking them for everything – Andrić concluded.

The capacities of “Arena” are almost full, Photo: Tanjug, Nikola Andjic
Eyes that speak
As Ivan Andrić says, he did not see the faces of the doctors and other personnel in the “Arena”, but their looks were enough to comfort him.
– I would probably not recognize them now on the street, because they were in spacesuits and under masks, but the words they gave us and the looks that were seen behind the whole team were more than enough to cheer us up and convince us that we are safe – he said.