In recent days, the health and community inspection has strengthened control over the implementation of epidemiological measures in restaurants and other facilities, so those who do not respect the regulations can be fined dramatically, from 500,000 to two million dinars .

To save money, but also the health of citizens, the epidemiologist and crisis staff member, Dr. Branislav Tiodorović, explains to Kurir which meetings are allowed and under what conditions.
Provide squares
– When it comes to restaurants and cafes, it is important to respect two things: if the meeting is indoors, a mask must be worn, and for both the interior and the exterior there is a distance of at least five feet, two. Four seats per man seated. There is no limit to the number of people in the summer garden if the distance is respected. The same goes for the interior of the cafe. Only by eating and drinking can the mask be removed. When sitting outside, you don’t need a mask, but distance must be respected. Disinfection and hand hygiene are mandatory for everyone, says the epidemiologist.
Add that code to the gigs, ie. musical events, in a smaller building a limit of up to 30 people due to space, and in a larger space it can be up to 500 people, if there are conditions for four square meters per person.
– What happened at the weekend in Vrnjačka Banja, at the concert of the singer Teodora Džehverović, is terrible, there was no distance, no masks were worn. At least a hundred of them will get sick, if they haven’t already. Even if they are all young, they will have an asymptomatic or somewhat clear picture. We also had young people with severe clinical pictures, some of whom died – Tiodorović warns about the danger of concerts where physical distance is not respected and adds:
Variety exceptions

– The meeting of up to 500 people is allowed for cultural events. Pop music is also understood, but you have to know who is the organizer who is obliged to keep control and ensure the distance both with the public and with the orchestra and the interpreters. It can be done on rafts and clubs, but they are not cultural institutions, but entertainment and catering, and are generally limited to 30. They can request consent to perform concerts and are likely to get such consent at the next crisis venue, but with an obligation . that the organizer responds that there is a distance between the audience – says Tiodorović.
Facts / What is allowed
Theaters, cinemas, concerts in cultural institutions
– up to 500 visitors
– any other free seat
– mandatory use of protective masks for visitors and employees
– Actors on stage must have a negative PCR test
– in the open distance of at least 1.5 meters with mandatory
using visitor and employee masks
– a singer at least 10 meters from the listeners
– distance between the members of the orchestra two meters
Private celebrations
– up to 30 people
– distance of 1.5 meters between guests
– mandatory masks
Cafes and restaurants with gardens
– the number of guests depends on the size
– four square meters are required per guest
– masks are required inside, not outside
Club concerts and pop concerts
– up to 30 people
– with the consent of the crisis headquarters, more can be done
– four squares are required per visitor
– mandatory masks indoors
– mandatory distance between the interpreter and the audience
– The organizer must guarantee the implementation of the measures.
A new measure in Belgrade
The gardens are open until one o’clock, the music until midnight.
Belgrade Deputy Mayor Goran Vesić said the city’s emergency headquarters made the decision that catering facilities that have a garden can operate from Monday to Friday until one hour after midnight, and not only on weekends, as was the case until yesterday:
– Now, all catering facilities located in residential buildings will be able to work up to one hour every day and broadcast music until midnight. This decision will be valid until October 31, when it will return to normal operating mode. The restriction for the operation of indoor catering facilities remains in effect, as they can only operate until 9:00 p.m.
Daily Crown Balance
The number of new infected is growing
In Serbia, 8,752 citizens were tested for coronavirus in the last 24 hours, of which 99 tested positive and one person died. There are a total of 39 ventilator patients in hospitals across Serbia. Since the beginning of the epidemic, 31,581 people have been infected in Serbia, of which 716 have died.
Srdja Jankovic Estrada is violating the measures Immunologist Dr. Srdja Jankovic warned yesterday about the danger of spreading coronavirus infection in theatrical performances. – The reason for a more decisive reaction to the violation of the recommendations now is that we want to assess the effect of going to school, and we cannot do it if there is a violation of other measures at pop events and other gatherings – said the immunologist.
Photo: Zorana Jevtić / Kristina Vasković

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