Compulsory vaccination for adults, planned confiscation of children and large fines.


The new “Rulebook on Mandatory Vaccination” was adopted on May 4. It was adopted by the Ministry of Health and signed by the Minister of Health Zlatibor Lončar. Anyone who does not respect the provisions of this Rulebook will be fined from 50,000 to 150,000 dinars.

Mandatory immunization of persons of a certain age will be carried out against infectious diseases: tuberculosis, diphtheria, tetanus, polio, whooping cough, smallpox, mumps, hepatitis B, diseases caused by haemophilus influenzae type B and diseases caused by streptococcal pneumonia. and the recommended immunizations of the population against certain infectious diseases.

In addition to the mandatory vaccination of children and health workers, the Rulebook introduces the mandatory immunization of all people who are at special risk of contracting various diseases.

* Active immunization involves the development of a sensitive host’s own immune response after exposure to a specific antigen naturally or artificially. It is carried out by vaccination, that is, revaccination.

* Passive immunization involves the administration of naturally or artificially prepared antibodies or immune serum, a fraction of blood that contains antibodies against certain pathogens or certain types of toxins.

Infectious diseases against which compulsory active and passive immunization of people exposed to certain infectious diseases are carried out are: rabies, tetanus, hepatitis B, hepatitis A and typhoid fever.

Infectious diseases against which compulsory active and passive immunization of people with special risk is carried out are hepatitis B, influenza, meningococcal disease, diseases caused by streptococcal pneumonia, diseases caused by hemophilic influenza type B, chickenpox and respiratory syncytial virus infections.

If the WHO declares a pandemic influenza outbreak (a new subtype or a new recombinant variant of the influenza virus), a special methodological expert instruction is issued for immunization against pandemic influenza.

When enrolling children in school, there will now be a vaccination card among the required documents, so if you accidentally refused to vaccinate your child, there is nothing to enroll in school. And then there are other problems, because primary school is compulsory, social work centers enter the scene, because schools will have the obligation to inform the social work center when they reject it, that they did not vaccinate their child and that it is due to your negligence. You cannot attend compulsory classes.

When the Social Work Center calls you, they will order your children to be vaccinated immediately and without delay. If you ignore this order, they can declare you unscrupulous parents, who don’t take care of their children and take away their children, and then the social work center, as a guardianship agency, will vaccinate them and deliver them to a foster family.

Schools will also be required to file a report with the misdemeanor judge, which will impose a fine of up to 50,000 dinars, for failure to comply with the mandatory vaccination measure. The judge, as well as the social work center, will give you a deadline to vaccinate your children, so if you don’t do it within the established deadline, new even higher fines will be applied.

Incidentally, the Minister of Education, Mladen Šerčević, welcomed the decision of the Serbian Government to introduce stricter measures against all those who oppose vaccination, and publicly advocates that all those who reject vaccination be severely punished and expelled Of society.

In addition to schools, vaccination control will also be carried out in kindergartens, and other measures are planned, such as the impossibility of leaving the country, the impossibility of registering vehicles, the impossibility of finding employment if you are not vaccinated. and other severe measures that will literally compel all citizens to be vaccinated

“Program of compulsory and recommended immunization of the population against certain infectious diseases

The program is adopted for a period of three years and includes:

1) compulsory active immunization of people of a certain age;

2) mandatory active and passive immunization of people exposed to certain infectious diseases;

3) mandatory active and passive immunization of people at special risk;

4) mandatory active and passive immunization of people employed in health institutions;

5) mandatory active immunization of passengers in international traffic;

6) recommended active immunization of people of a certain age;

7) recommended active and passive immunization of people according to clinical indications;

8) recommended active immunization of passengers in international traffic;

9) triennial plan of needs of health institutions for vaccines, immunoglobulins of human origin and monoclonal antibodies for compulsory immunization;

10) The needs for vaccines, immunoglobulins of human origin and monoclonal antibodies for the national reserve according to the recommendation of the World Health Organization are 25 percent of the needs expressed annually.

The Russian Su-57 flew unnoticed over US bases in Syria and Iraq. Read more about it HERE.

Source: B 92

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