The fourth season of the most watched reality show,Cooperative“It started out very stormy and turbulent. Last night we had the opportunity to attend a spectacular party where the popular singer sang Tijana Milentijevic, best known for the song “Woman of the Sultan”, with his colleague Bobom.
Tijana and Bob entertained co-workers and the public until the wee hours of the morning, and as a lot of changes happen during each party, we closely follow every tenant movement of the magnificent property.
Photo: E-Stock / Caslav Vukojicic, Promo / Silver Light, Unsplash.com, Pink.rs
An apparently calm and happy evening, full of various stories, turned into a flirtation field. Aleksandra Nikolić was one of the most notable cooperative members who was open to flirting with Kritijan Golubović, Vladimir Tomović, and even with Kenan Tahirovic. However, Aleksandra didn’t stop there, so she told her roommates that she was Nenad Aleksic Sha He said he felt uncomfortable when they were alone, due to his wife Ivana Aleksić, who brought him home. Remember, Sha is during ,,Cooperatives 2“He had a tumultuous affair with Dragan Mitar, which is why their marriage was at stake.
Kenan, on the other hand, had his hands full, as many co-workers fought for his attention. Besides Alexandra, Milica Kemez was also one in a series who wanted to be noticed by the charming seductress, which she managed to do, because Kenan finally hugged her.
However, there is a part to every story when the dramas begin, so tonight there were also choices, difficult words, and interpersonal conflicts from alpha men who fought for their territory. Monika horvat she remembered her ex-boyfriend, whom she saw in Philip the King from which it is not separated even before quarantine. Filip did not like that, so he got angry, so the members of the cooperative tried to calm him down, so that there would not be a bigger carom.
But that’s not all, Tomović went to war with the Emperor for Andrea Andjelković in the early hours of the morning, so security had to react to defuse the conflict between the cooperatives in the dormitory. Like thunder in a clear sky, the two started an argument over the sock Vladimir was looking for from Andrea, and since Filip was already tense, it irritated him, so they made a scene.
And the sweetest and most beautiful for last. When the lights went out, the members of the cooperative got ready to sleep and fell asleep soundly, and Alen Hadrović had interesting company in bed. I guess, nothing less, nothing more than Aleksandra Nikolić decided to get into Alen’s bed, and they exchanged tenderness, and he stroked her head several times.
We still have to continue the reality show, because many relationships have already been shaken, and as the program continues tonight,Viewer Questions“, many things will be thrown to the cleaner.
Photo: Pink Printscreen TV
Author: OB