Competitor Stefan’s reaction made everyone laugh – while the opponent clicks helplessly, he surrenders (VIDEO)



13.12.2020. 17:26

Stefan Grnčarski, who was the blue contestant on this show, does not seem to have better accepted the reaction of the red contestant, his namesake, in the “Who knows, knows” game.


Puzzle, Photo: Screen Printed

One of the most watched contests in our country, TV Slagalica, produced a large number of “pearls” and blunders in previous years that made the public laugh, and that series continued last night, when one of the contestants caused smiles in the fans of this competition.

I mean, Stefan Grnčarski, who was a blue contestant on this show, doesn’t seem to have accepted the reaction of the red contestant, his namesake, in the “Who knows, knows” game.

At one point, while his opponent clicked the mouse helplessly to be the first to answer the question “Which Serbian city is the birthplace of soccer players Dragan Dzajic, Dusan Savic and Radosav Petrovic?”, Grncarski raised both hands, as if the team with a gesture wanted to tell its namesake: “Here, I surrender, I answer you, feel free.

You can see Stefan’s reaction on the YouTube video at 7:48 PM.
