Compatriot: There will be no stability in the Balkans until Serbia recognizes Kosovo


There will be no permanent stability in the Balkans until Serbia recognizes Kosovo, said former US diplomat Thomas Countryman, who spent part of his career in the Balkans and today is chairman of the Board of Directors of the Arms Control Association.

Countryman believes that “we are still far from the time when Belgrade or Pristina will be ready to make difficult and necessary compromises.”

In the context of talks between the representatives of Serbia and Kosovo in Brussels in which issues were opened, the issue of the Union of Serbian Municipalities and Property and Mutual Financial Requirements, Countryman said in a statement to Voice of America whether such talks they could lead to a final agreement in the foreseeable future. , taking into account the repeated statements by the President of Serbia that Belgrade will not recognize Kosovo.

The word “never” is overused in politics and diplomacy, Serbia will never recognize Kosovo … until it does. That day may be in the distant future, but there will be no permanent stability in the region until we get to that day. Meanwhile, serious discussions on the means of political and economic cooperation currently available in the region, such as this week’s discussions in Brussels, are necessary and useful. In the absence of political will in both capitals to make major commitments, the two governments should at least focus on trying to provide more prosperity. to its citizens, ”Countryman said.

He assessed that last week an important agreement was reached in Washington on the normalization of economic relations between Belgrade and Pristina.

All parties saw the agreement as a great step forward and an opportunity to create new jobs for young people in Serbia and Kosovo.
