Companies “encourage” employees to get vaccinated, introducing an obligation is not an option


At a time when vaccines are not lacking, but on the other hand there are fewer and fewer registered for immunization, the public is faced with the dilemma of making a distinction between vaccinated and unvaccinated citizens. While many companies are trying to encourage their employees to get vaccinated in various ways, the Prime Minister says there are currently no conditions for measures that discriminate against citizens who have not been vaccinated.

The state says its best response to the Kovid crisis is in three words.

“Vaccination, vaccination, vaccination,” said Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic.

Some have heard it right. The Paracin company made the decision to encourage its workers to get vaccinated voluntarily.

“All employees who receive the vaccine from March 11 to April 15 will receive compensation: more than 40, four thousand dinars, under 40, six thousand dinars,” says the company.

And some other companies don’t pay, but they call and advise employees to get vaccinated, because, as employers write in the emails that citizens send us, crisis personnel can decide that the facilities where those who received the vaccine work they will be able to work without restrictions. There is more and more speculation in the public about how to make the difference between vaccinated and unvaccinated: is the state preparing such a strategy?

“We continue to try to balance here too, not to differentiate between vaccinated and unvaccinated, we cannot introduce this type of measure if so many vaccines are not provided that everyone who wants to be vaccinated is known to have been vaccinated. Right now, the conditions for us to introduce such measures for that have not been met, ”says Ana Brnabić.

While the Prime Minister keeps the balance, the Health Minister has broken which team he supports.

“If people have respected, if they have been vaccinated, if they have antibodies and have done everything necessary, then they cannot be in the same basket with those who have not been vaccinated, who do not recognize the crown and who work.” on your own. If these people do not create a problem, they are not a danger, they are not a risk, why punish them, and they have done it all ”, affirms the Minister of Health, Zlatibor Lončar.

And the solution to all the dilemmas is the introduction of compulsory vaccination? Doctors generally answer that question that they are against any obligation.

“This would not be an epidemic if it could be stopped so easily, but the position of the Union of Physicians and Pharmacists is primarily that the vaccine is an achievement of civilization,” said Gorica Đokić of the Union of Physicians and Pharmacists.

The Crisis Staff assures that between 10,000 and 12,000 people request the vaccine daily in recent days, and the situation at the checkpoints, which in some cities are open to citizens who have not registered online and want to be vaccinated, estimates the Prime Minister with the following words.

“It’s going pretty well.”

Read more about covid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the Coronavirus page.
