Comic: Due to verbal violence, Vucic also deserves the benefit of suspicion – Politika


Comic: Due to the verbal violence, Vucic also deserves the benefit of the doubt 1Photo: FoNet / Zoran Mrdja

In an interview with the Beta agency, Comic said the EC comments should be removed by changing people’s behavior in public affairs and “demonstrable movements by which we seek the benefit of the suspicion for Serbia that we have the potential for change. and that they change Serbia through dialogue. “

When asked what she will focus on specifically as minister, Comic said “a change of power.”

“The nature of power when you are in public affairs is not to torment someone, but for power to be for something. Apply the laws as they are written. That is the core of the rule of law and requires a change in behavior, mainly from people in public affairs, “he explained.

According to her, if we care about the European future of Serbia, then we have to do that “priceless thing” to change ourselves when we are in public affairs.

When asked which minority communities have problems exercising their basic rights, Comic said that almost all minority communities have problems due to lack of finances, and the Ministry will ensure that all debts are paid with national councils.

“But much more important in the representativeness of members of national minorities is that we should have visible members of minorities in state and local administration because they have the right to do so,” said the minister.

When asked if a law on same-sex marriage would be passed during this government and assembly, Comic said she was sure it would, because the ministry would ask that the regulation be considered anti-discrimination and human rights.

“We want the violation of minority rights to stop without affecting the rights of the majority.” “We want to build the political will so that this minority (LGBT) can finally use their constitutionally guaranteed human rights,” he said.

Asked if that law will regulate that same-sex marriages can adopt children, Comic said it depends on the argument “why it is good or why it is not good.”

“The proponent of the law will be obliged to clearly explain what in the provisions represents good for the direct users of the law and what for the entire community,” said the minister.

When asked if the human rights of those who do not have a membership card of any of the ruling parties, mainly the SNS, are today in danger, in the sense that they cannot get a job in the state sector and cannot advance in business, Comic replied in the affirmative. .

“Human rights are like salt, you can live without them, but it is stupid and injustices are eaten. “A different approach to someone because they support a political option in relation to someone who does not do that is an injustice,” he said.

He added that because of his political affiliation, no one can have a privileged position in relation to professional and educated people.

“We will have to understand that it is bad for everything, for the government and the opposition, for human rights and the rule of law,” the minister emphasized.

When asked what he will do to get the government to start cultivating the language in institutions instead of “verbal garbage” as he said earlier, Čomić referred to the Law on Public Information and Media.

“All people in public affairs must read Article 8 of the Public Information and Media Law, which says that an elected and appointed person is obliged to present silent criticisms of their work, however offensive they may be.” “I will keep silent and that will be an example for others to invoke the rule of law,” he said.

When asked if it is possible to cultivate deputies in the Serbian Assembly so that when they speak of political opponents, they do not use hate speech and insults, Comic says there are rules of procedure for deputies.

“The application of the Regulation eliminates any possibility of verbal violence, garbage and hate speech in the Assembly. It is up to the president if he will apply the regulation or if he will consider verbal trash as freedom of expression, ”the minister explained.

According to her, if you apply the Rules of Procedure, then you will have a bad reputation, and if you do not apply the Rules of Procedure, you will be someone who popularizes a bad reputation over Serbia.

When asked how he comments on the verbal violence of MPs in the new parliamentary convocation, Comic says that there have always been people in the Serbian Parliament who entertain themselves with verbal violence, because “they find it funny.”

“Also, there are parliamentarians who call themselves patriots and nationalists, and they hurt Serbia every day. And you can’t make those people see reason because they choose violence as a form of communication because they are afraid of dialogue. For all those people, I will ask them for the benefit of the doubt, ”said the minister.

She believes that there is a grain of sugar in every heart that you can go to and show that being a patriot also means respecting the other person.

Comic admits that it has criticized Aleksandar Vucic on several occasions in recent years for verbal violence, and when asked if he now might think that the president has changed and become more polite, the minister says that the president deserves the benefit that she doubts “for Serbia. international scene”.

“The opposition also uses verbal violence in their actions.” I am looking for a space in which, no matter how much you disagree, you bring the benefit of the doubt and thus start a dialogue, “he said.

When asked what bothers him the most about the behavior of the Serbian president, Comic says that he is not in charge of the state president.

He added that the creation of a new ministry, headed by him, is the result of the “obvious need” for Serbia to change.

“It is unsustainable for us to attack each other and violate our own regulations. If both the government and the opposition are not aware of that, then the people of Serbia are left without hope and perspective. I told this president of Serbia that they owe him to hope people, “Comic noted.

Asked whether it is correct for the president to call the opposition thieves, traitors, mice in almost all public appearances, and constantly point out that he has proof that 619 million euros were stolen, Comic said that Vucic was addressing his electorate and that it was his “political style.”

“How bad or good it is for society is your responsibility and you will have to face the consequences of deciding to use that language on your own.” “Unfortunately, it has become a common language in Serbia, but the difference is whether the language of disqualification from the position of power or from the position of powerlessness is used,” the minister said.

According to her, if she uses that language from a position of power, it means that she is violating several rights, and if she uses it from a position of power, then she “imitates” those who use verbal violence from a position of power.

“They are both stupid.” Serbia does not have a political culture and does not understand the culture of compromise, “Ćomić said.

When asked what needs to change in order for Serbia to return to the path of European integration, Comic said that the people who deal with public affairs must change.

“Respect the regulations that we have approved, do not violate the rights of others, do not harass journalists, do not question the rule of law in the Assembly,” he said.

When asked if he believes that this government, headed by Aleksandar Vučić and Ana Brnabić, really cares about the European Union, Čomić said that “if they didn’t care about the EU, this ministry would not have been formed.”

“This ministry will change the nature of power for many. Our path to the EU depends on the rule of law. Why is there organized crime in Serbia? Because there is no rule of law and because we think we can do whatever we like. Well, We cannot, “Minister Čomić concluded.

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