Comic about his entry into the government and the Democratic Party: There is silence


The Minister of Human and Minority Rights and Social Dialogue, Gordana Comic, said that the main objective of the ministry, in terms of social dialogue, is to implement the Law of the Planning System, which is in force, “but few have read it” .

In an interview with Beta, to be published by this agency on Wednesday, Comic said the law should help remove the phrase “we have good regulations, but there is no political will to implement them.”

“Once a decision is made, it must be applied and that is the core of the rule of law, which repeals arbitrariness at any time, which can be used whenever it wants, and which believes it can work as it wants and not as it is written in the law. regulation”. the minister explained.

When asked if Serbia is a divided society and to what extent, Comic said that due to huge political divisions, people do not even communicate.

“Serbia is divided into people who support the government, and for them everything the government and the president do is great, and people who do not tolerate the government, the ruling parties or the president of the state, but who have no political articulation “said the minister.

For Serbia to become a healthy society, he added, it needs dialogue.

When asked what are the consequences of the huge division of society in Serbia, Comic expressed uncertainty, that there is no picture of the development of Serbia, there is no awareness of the future of Serbia, lack of hope and people feel that no one thinks in them.

“Everything produces the worst for this society, and that is the lack of any level of trust. We have to work to change all that and change everything that the European Commission has been warning us for five years, and that is the lack of freedom to press, democratic elections, and the freedom of the people, which are the basic parameters of a democratic society, ”Comic said.

When asked with whom and when he first spoke about entering the government, Comic said he spoke with Aleksandar Vucic and Ana Brnabic for the first time before the government was formed, refusing to specify when, before or after the elections. .

“The decision to accept the invitation was made after the acceptance of my ministry work plan. That decision was made because the Prime Minister and the President of Serbia thought the plan was good,” he said.

He added that the decision was not easy or difficult, and that it was made on the basis of a “rational” evaluation of the result of the decision that the ministry exists with this work plan.

When asked if the decision to enter the government was a “revenge” for the Democratic Party, which expelled her from its membership in May this year, Comic quoted Shakespeare evaluating her previous political life: “It remains silent.”

When asked how he evaluates the strength and activities of the opposition today, he said that it is not for a member of the government to comment on the political activity of the ruling or opposition parties.

“That is not being done. The point,” concluded the Comic Minister.
