CLS: Belgrade city administration is one of the biggest air polluters


The Center for Local Self-Government (CLS) called on the Municipal Administration of Belgrade to connect to district heating as soon as possible or to switch to other acceptable forms of heating and thus stop polluting the air and disturbing the health of citizens.

In a statement, CLS assessed that the Belgrade City Administration is one of the biggest air pollutants in the capital, because its central buildings in Kraljice Marija No. 1 and March 27 43-45 are heated by individual fuel boilers. .

“For three years, the municipal administration has violated the decision of the Environmental Protection Secretariat, which ordered the prohibition of the operation of these boiler rooms, because they emit dangerous substances, mainly sulfur and nitrogen oxides,” the statement read.

The CLS warned that sulfur and nitrogen oxides damage the lungs, and therefore the City Administration in this way further contributes to the collapse of the immune system of citizens and leads to an increased health risk during the pandemic. of coronavirus.

“To make matters worse, other buildings in the City use the same type of boiler room, such as the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments, the Center for Physical Culture of the City or the House of Legacies,” the statement said.
