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In Serbia, a new species of stink bug has also been observed entering apartments and destroying fruits in gardens.
Dr. Ivan Aleksić, a biologist at the Institute for Biocides and Medical Ecology, claims that it is an invasive species that we call the marble stink bug.
– This species that appears in our country is an invasive species from Southeast Asia and has been spreading throughout Europe for ten years. I guess it’s the same species, we just don’t have a domesticated name, whereas the Croats call it stinky Greta, says Aleksić.
According to him, the name of the green stink bugs in our country is stink Martin. They are also called that in Croatia.
– Stinky Martin is a domestic green bug that has lived in our country for a long time, and this second invasive species has spread in Europe during the last ten years – Aleksić explains.
Stinking Greta is an agricultural pest. It feeds on more than 100 plants, but it is harmless to humans, it does not transmit any infectious diseases, so it is not interesting from a health point of view.
Aleksic also explained how this species differs from the “domestic” bed bug.
– It differs in that it has white spots on the sides and on the antennas, it is a little larger than ours and there are not too many natural enemies – explains the expert.
This climate suits the stinky Greta, and that is why it has spread across Europe and Serbia.
The hot weather suits both the stinky Martin and the stinky Greta. At this time, when the temperatures drop, they go in search of a warm place to shelter and spend the winter more calmly, so they move to apartments.
According to experts, the characteristic thing for them is that in case they feel attacked, if you squeeze them and squeeze them a little harder, they emit a characteristic and very unpleasant smell.

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