Clooney Foundation for H1: We know about Aleksandar Obradović’s case and we are following


A spokesperson for the Clooney Foundation for Justice told H1 that they were familiar with Aleksandar Obradovic’s case and that they could see the trial in the future if the charges against him continue.

The Clooney Foundation program called the TrialWatch monitors, they said, the trials of journalists, women, LGBTQ people, human rights activists and minorities, defending those unjustly incarcerated.

“The follow-up of these processes includes sending observers to the trials, who then express their views on the fairness of the trial and provide support if violations are committed. We are familiar with the investigation against Aleksandar Obradovic and may observe the trial in the future if the charges against him remain in effect. ” Foundation’s response to query N1.

Attorney Vladimir Gajić, defense attorney for Aleksandar Obradović, said he had been there before contacted the Clooney Foundation for two days who wants to help Obradović, because these cases are followed all over the world.

Gajic previously submitted it to the Appeals Prosecutor’s Office in Belgrade. Complaint for irregularities and illegal work of the Prosecutor’s Office for High-Tech Crimes (VTK) and requested that the secret mark of the case be removed in the procedure against the Krušik whistleblower.

Aleksandar Obradović was arrested last September because he presented documentation to the media indicating that certain private companies had a privileged position in “Krušik”, for which he was suspended from work, spent three weeks in prison and two months under house arrest . Due to public pressure, he was released at the end of December and the High Tech Crimes Prosecutor’s Office has not yet filed an indictment.

The Clooney Foundation for Justice, led by legal counsel Amal Clooney and her husband, Hollywood star George Clooney, has been observing dozens of trials around the world since its founding in 2016: the trial of Hajjar Raissouni, a Moroccan journalist. opposition accused of alleged crimes, including abortion and extramarital sexual relations, Marina Zolotova, editors of the independent Belarusian portal Tut, accused of cybercrime committed by negligence, or Kansu Piskin (Cansu Piskin), a Turkish journalist prosecuted on terrorism charges, reports Voice of America (VOA).
