“Classic sales cost 2,500 oral dinars, 1,500 dinars. They beat me if I didn’t earn enough.”



22.09.2020. 22:41 – 22.09.2020. 22:55

“Classic sex cost 2,500 dinars, oral sex 1,500 dinars. If a better car approached us, prices would go up, so oral sex cost 2,500 and 3,000 ordinary dinars. At night it could take 5,000 to 7,000 dinars, sometimes 10,000. When I didn’t bring enough money, an argument broke out. “

Marina and Zoran

Marina and Zoran, Photo: Private archive

“Marina laughed when she found out that I had no parents and that I grew up in a house! I saw that she was glad that I had no one to protect me”, a minor prostitute

The adoptive family Nikolić from Mirijevo, who opened a brothel overnight and raised millions of fears about prostitutes from the testimony of DB (16), who were forced to prostitute themselves on the street every day through blackmail and beatings and bring them at least 150 euros a day!

The minor will testify today in the Belgrade High Court and will tell what happened in the house of the married couple Zoran Nikolić (43) and Marina Radosavljević (38), accused of trafficking in persons. Zoran posted photos of the unfinished house on his Facebook, saying it looked like a villa on Schilerova Street that belonged to the Zemun clan, with video-surveillance walls, expensive furniture, and marble tiles engraved with the “Versace” sign.

DB grew up in a home for abandoned children and fell into the hands of pimps when he was only 15 years old.

– I worked for a while at the “Slap” gas station on the road, where they had the girls. While talking to two girls, a Renault Space car with Marina and Zoran approached. They asked me when I work and how much I drink at night. Marina told me to get into her car and I listened out of fear. She asked me if I had parents, and when she found out that I grew up in a house, she started laughing! I saw that he was glad that he had no one to protect me. She knew she would have to fall into her hands because she had no one. I was only 15 then. She took me to her house and told me that I had to work for her as a prostitute – said the girl after the arrest of the pimp and said that Marina sent how much she had to earn.

– The girls who lived with Marina told me that she would give me to eat, drink and dress, but that I would have to give it back to her! Every night I had to put on makeup, put on a miniskirt, and go outside. Marina took me to Andrijana S. and Snežana H. and told me that I had to raise my arm or leg when I was standing in the street to attract customers and to get a better car to approach me – revealed the youngest and claimed that Marina had fixed the price list.

– Classic sex was 2,500 dinars, oral sex was 1,500 dinars. If a better car came up to us, prices would go up, so oral sex cost 2,500 and 3,000 normal dinars. All the girls had to earn a certain amount of money every night. I had to earn 100 to 150 euros. If the earnings were less, an argument broke out that always ended in beatings. When I earn less, Marina checked if I was spending or hiding money. She checked me in and completely undressed me! I couldn’t even earn as much as she imagined! During one night, he could take a maximum of 5,000 to 7,000 dinars, sometimes 10,000. When I didn’t put in enough money, they beat me! I don’t remember how many times they beat me … Whenever something disappeared from the house or when a problem arose, they always followed the blows. Marina was the one who hit me the most, but also the prostitutes with whom I shared the apartment – the girl told the inspectors.

Marina broke the minor’s nose

The minor became angry after an escape from the pimp.

– Marina and Snežana H. jumped on me. Marina broke my nose from heavy blows and shots. After that, he was much more strict with her. She gave me the phone and told me to call her every time I got into the car with a client and she said, “Auntie, call me in 10 minutes” so I wouldn’t stay longer. Marina was online while I negotiated the price so as not to mislead her. She didn’t even let me go to the bathroom to go alone! While I was with the client, she waited 15 meters away, and as soon as I got out from behind the car, I had to give her money and move on. I had to work even when I was menstruating and when I was sick – said the girl.

Threats and nightmares

The girl revealed that Marina hit Snezana when she hid the money from her.

I watched with my own eyes as he hit his head against the wall and broke his gag. He slapped the other girl and punched her on the head. I was so scared that I didn’t dare raise my head and look him in the eye. Marina sometimes ordered the girl to hit me, telling me that it was a warning, that I had to listen. I was afraid that I might go to the police to report her, so I was intimidated. She said, “If you run away, I’ll find you, I’ll kill you, you’ll be mine.” Those threats were my nightmare – confided the girl.
