CLASSES START TODAY! This is what happens if a student receives a crown and when SCHOOL CLOSURE can occur


If the measures were followed, said child will be placed under epidemiological supervision and the other children will continue to attend school and the situation will be controlled for two weeks.

Epidemiologist Predrag Kon said the state’s reaction would be “quite harsh” towards those who knowingly violate epidemiological measures, such as indoor concerts with singing audiences and chorea, and where one infected with kovid 19 can transmit the virus to 15 people.

Kon said that this was the subject of today’s extraordinary session of the Serbian Government Crisis Personnel, adding that the control of the implementation of the measures will be coordinated by the action of the Interior Ministry and inspection services, mainly the Ministry of Health.

These measures that we have had so far absolutely give results. Since June 1, this is today’s best result when it comes to Belgrade. We only have seven positives in the entire city. That has not happened so far – Kon said, adding that we are entering a peaceful epidemiological situation in which we must not allow the virus to “rise” again.

Speaking of the start of the new school year, he said that the system developed and everything was well prepared.

Kon said that if a child exhibits the symptoms of kovida 19 in the classroom, the teacher is obliged to separate him, call his parents and inform the Municipal Institute of Public Health. This will be followed by an epidemiological investigation.

Each epidemiologist will receive a specific assignment. When he receives such a report, he will examine whether it was respected, where he was, how it happened, where he was … – Kon explained.

If more children were to become infected, that would mean something was wrong with the implementation of the measures, Kon said.

He also said that so far it has not been determined with how many infected children the school closes, it is common in case of flu epidemics that the school closes when 30 percent of the children are infected, but in this case there may be significantly less depending of the school situation. but also of the epidemiological situation in general at that time.

According to him, it is recommended that a mask be worn at school for two to three hours, but if they postpone it during classes, they can wear it for four to five hours. The epidemiologist recommends that masks be worn constantly.
