Clans easily find soldiers in our country


The state has declared war on the mafia: drug traffickers, everyone involved in corruption, arrogant drivers who kill our children on the streets, thugs who make innocent people suffer …

The main role in that is played by the Interior Ministry, and Minister Aleksandar Vulin spoke about it on “Hot Days” on Kurir Television.

Vulin spoke about the plans related to the announced fight against the mafia, the connection of criminal groups and representatives of various levels of government, the conditions in which the police work, and answered the question of whether he cares if they call him “poltron “in praising the President of Serbia.

Aleksandar Vulin, Heating
photo: Kurir Television

“One of the definitions of organized crime is the connection of criminals with someone who makes decisions. There is no greater crime without the state. The state is fighting. President Vučić says nothing in vain, so listen to him. He did not declare war. to the mafia a few months ago, “he began. Vulin.

“As you can see, we have done a lot in the last few months, from arresting Darko Elez and splitting his group, to capturing a large gang of Pink Panthers, so look at how many drug dealers have fallen and how many murders we have solved. Everyone remembers the murder in Belleville, we will solve it in ten days, it is a mafia murder ”, added the minister.

“Most of the evil that comes to our country in terms of crime comes from Montenegro, from Kavčani and Škaljarac. Kosovo and Metohija are part of Serbia, so I don’t count the Siptar clans. The amount of money they generate (Kavčani and Škaljari) is so big that it’s easy to find here. Soldiers. “

“We prevented the assassination in Novi Sad. It was planned, the shooter started, but we cut him off,” Vulin continued.

Aleksandar Vulin, Heating
photo: Kurir Television

“Minister Stefanović left a good situation, a lot was invested, the salaries are high for our opportunities. I have President Vučić to thank, when he is a supreme commander, it is not difficult to be a police minister,” Vulin said.

“The other day I was with the interventionist in the field. His work is such that every time they get in the car, they never know if they will return. These people should be as satisfied as possible in material terms.”

“None of my policemen took to the streets to hurt anyone. They have my respect and that of all of Serbia.”

Vulin said about arrogant drivers:

“Two days ago, one of those drivers was arrested in Belgrade. By the way, he had 1.66 percent alcohol in his blood and the boy is 21 years old. After that tragedy in Nis, I thought people would understand it by herself, and we two days later. stopped Nishlija, 21, who was driving 140 per hour. “

“It should be changed when something happens,” Vulin said of the dismissal of the Chief of the Traffic Police in Nis.

Aleksandar Vulin, Heating
photo: Kurir Television

“The number of interceptors has increased and there will be even more.”

“I am very proud of the cooperation with the Prosecutor’s Office and the Organized Crime Prosecutor’s Office. The most serious events usually happen at night and they are always there. We cannot do anything without them. It was the same with the case that shook the nation.” We received the appropriate information, it began to fall apart, the Prosecutor’s Office understood it immediately and ordered the arrest. We have formed the case, the Judiciary will continue to say. “

“A few days ago, a terrible case occurred in a village near Indjija. A monster who regrets that the death penalty was abolished, for which we cannot convict him, raped his three-year-old son and two-year-old daughter. Yes God willing, he will be imprisoned for life, but the media could not stop publishing the initials of those children, because now they will follow them for the rest of their lives.

“Two things should not be done in Serbian politics: criticize Zoran Djindjic and praise Aleksandar Vucic.”

“If you say that Vucic did something good, you immediately become a police officer. They tell me so too. That man deserves to be told what he did well.”

“When will you see a statesman of that level admit his mistake,” Vulin continued with the story about President Vučić, adding:

“If he didn’t have that political strength and energy, we wouldn’t be fighting Kovid like this. When Germany stole respirators from Italy, Poland and the Czech Republic did the same, Vučić, I don’t know how, he got more respirators than we needed.”

Aleksandar Vulin, Heating
photo: Kurir Television

“That in 2014, President Vučić did not initiate difficult reforms … At that time, as minister, I passed the Labor Law by reading each article with President Vučić 100 times.”

“Unemployment is now below 10 percent, which is close to the European average. The average wage in Serbia is above 500 euros.”

“Only Vučić could then appear before the people, we will reduce salaries and pensions. Only he had that courage. And he told me to go to the end, that he would support me, because we will save Serbia with that law.”

“Vucic told the poor and you can’t take it to the mothers.”

“I said that, except for those who have the right to do so by law, no one should have blinders. Some ministers protested.”

“It happened to me that the police detained me because I had non-specific blinders. The minister came out, thanked them for doing their job and I rewarded them.”

By the end, Vulin, as a comic book fan, highlighted a quote from “Alan Ford”:

“Buy flowers for your beloved wife, but don’t forget yours either,” Aleksandar Vulin concluded with a smile.


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