Clan war in Serbia: liquidations again in the streets of Belgrade VIDEO


Belgrade – Criminal clashes are shaking Serbia again, and the murder of Bojan Mirkovi in ​​the garage in New Belgrade is the last in a row.

Source: B92, first

Print Screen: TV First

Print Screen: TV First

Serbian President Aleksandar Vui says the war with the mafia has largely started and the identity of Belleville’s killer is already known.

The murder of Bojan Mirkovi is reminiscent of the case of Aleksandar Arc, who was fatally wounded by a pistol in the garage of the Eu thorn center just a month ago.

The president of Serbia confirmed that the two cases are connected and stated that Serbia will not go back to the time of the Zemun clan.

“It is about the drug business. We know who committed the murder yesterday and now we are looking for the murderer. They thought it was impossible to find out. State structures and that is what interests us the most and we will work on that,” he said.

The first liquidation of this year took place in early January, when Marko Vukovi, a man close to the Kavak clan, was killed in a shooting in Beanijska kosa. After seven months of peace, clashes broke out in Vraar, Banjica and New Belgrade.

Black Chronicle journalist Milan Stojadinovi says that after every storm comes a storm.

“I hope that yesterday’s liquidation in Delta City is not the last and that there will be more clashes between Belgrade, Serbian criminals and Montenegrins because it is closely related,” he said.

Criminologist Zlatko Nikoli points out that liquidations are nothing new for Belgrade.

“You notice that these shooters are getting younger and a bit ignorant in some way. Due to this ‘ignorance’, there can be collateral damage, that is, they can kill someone on the road or next door,” he said.

According to experts, the murder of Vedran Repio in Vodovac has nothing to do with the criminal clans. The murder of Bojan Mirkovi is related to the criminal group “Cagliari”, but also to the “Pink Panthers”, two completely different organizations.

“Cagliari, Kavani are organized criminals, a union organization with a strict structure from the command to the last perpetrator. The Pink Panthers are professional thieves, thieves, who organize ad hoc for a robbery,” adds Nikoli.

The coronavirus epidemic has closed borders, and even people on the other side of the law have been affected by the situation. With the end of the state of emergency, the clashes continued, which seem to have no end.

“The confrontation will not subside. This has been shown to us over the past three decades. The question is how long will pass between the confrontation,” concluded Stojadinovi.

“I hope that, if it is not for the New Year, then we have New Year’s murders, which cannot go away,” he said.

The war between the Cagliari and Kavak clans is a problem not only in Serbia, but in the entire Balkans. The results of the government’s “war against the mafia”, according to their regimes, will be visible by the end of the year.
