Citizens with crown disease take the drug used for livestock on their own



03.17.2021. 00:37

Some citizens of Serbia who suffered from coronavirus were treated on their own or on the recommendation of a doctor with the drug Ivermectin, which, among other things, is used to treat scabies and is not in the treatment protocol for patients with covid.


Corona virus, Photo: Tanjug

Experts say that this drug It has not been sufficiently studied in the treatment of kovid and that, although there are studies that suggest that it could be effective, its potential harmful effects on the body are still not sufficiently known.

– I felt weak and had a temperature of 37.2. I went just in case to get tested and it turned out that I was positive for the coronavirus. My cousin is a doctor and she told me to take the drug “Ivermectin”. She gave me a prescription and they made me pills at the pharmacy. I was surprised to learn there that it is a cure for scabies and that it is used mainly on animals. However, I drank it and in a few days I had no symptoms: a story for Kurir NM from Belgrade (name known to the editorial office).

That this is not a unique case is confirmed by prof. Srdjan Pesic, a clinical pharmacologist who has also heard of similar examples.

– “Ivermectin” is an antiparasitic drug that is used in Serbia mainly in veterinary medicine, but it is also registered for human medicine. It is used for problems with certain types of parasites and in humans it is prescribed for scabies. There are preparations in the form of creams or ointments, and capsules can also be used. Those who took Ivermectin due to kovid took it in capsule form, explains our interlocutor.

Teacher. Pesic explains that ivermectin cannot be bought without a prescription, but patients must have a prescription or a report from a specialist doctor, which establishes scabies as a diagnosis.

– A group of American researchers, in preclinical research under laboratory conditions, concluded that this drug can reduce the replication of the Sars Cov 2 virus 5,000 times, that is, completely stop the reproduction of the virus. It is used in about 15 hospitals in the United States and in protocols for the treatment of covid in several European countries. However, it is important to note that there is currently no miracle cure and research is still being done to measure whether the benefits outweigh the potential side effects such as the digestive tract and nervous system.
