“Citizens should know that you are the one who regularly goes to the US embassy for advice.” (VIDEO)



03.03.2021. 23:19

Tonight Serbian Progressive Party deputy Djordje Dabic fully exposed Bosko Obradovic’s policy on a program on RTS!

Djordje Dabic, Photo: screenshot / RTS

Tonight, MP Djordje Dabic showed the citizens of Serbia what kind of policy Boško Obradović is following.

– First of all, I have to say, Mr. Obradović, I don’t know at all why you were invited to RTS. You came here with a saw, with a group of thugs. You threatened journalists by telling them you were going to hit them. When you say that you were not, that you were, only in a bad edition – he said.

Obradović also tried to involve Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić in the discussion, but Dabić also got in his way.

– When we say the old regime, we also mean you, Mr Obradovic. You know very well that you were generously funded in 2008 and 2009, from Kolubara, who was a loser, who paid 4.2 million dinars to your then phantom organization Dveri, and that is why we say, today you are the first beating of the Djilas. regime. And that is why the show cannot pass without sweeping Aleksandar Vučić, responsible for the current accelerated development of Serbia, that we prevent the entry of Serbia into NATO, that we have the least decline of the economy in Europe – he said.

Dabic also said that citizens of Serbia should know that Bosko Obradovic is a man who regularly goes to the US embassy for advice.

Nor was he indebted to Konstantin Samofalov de Tadic:

– You were the government of Vracar, your family has ruled for 20, 30 years. His father lost thousands of square meters while he was the director of a public company that rents commercial premises. Citizens need to know that. Hundreds of municipal apartments. So where is that money, where are those apartments? Dabic asked.
