Citizens on the epidemic: (In) sufficient measures, to make an effort, each at their own level


Belgrade citizens who were interviewed by the H1 team do not have the same opinion as to whether the measures taken by the Government of Serbia, in terms of preventing the spread of the coronavirus, are sufficient.

N1: Are these measures taken sufficient?

“Well they aren’t, it’s just going to be chaos,” says a passerby.

“Of course, they are enough, just wearing protective masks and preparations that we recommend. I have no problem with that because I adhere to the measures and we all must adhere to them,” said a woman.

“The town is burning and the grandmother is combing her hair, as they would say. I believe that it is at the individual level to be alert if we want to survive, to make an effort, each one at their own level, ”said the Belgrade citizen.

“I think we are late and the measures are not enough. Because we had 300 infected this spring and they closed us, at least two of us, because we are in the category that could not get out, and now it is very, very late,” said the old man.

N1: Announcing tougher measures?

“We just commented on that, and we both have children ‘outside’, the tightening of the measures means that we will not see the children for a long time, so we are not very happy,” he added.
