Citizens of Novi Sad protest against the construction of garages in green areas


Residents of Novi Naselje in Novi Sad organized a protest over the planned construction of garages in green areas in that part of the city.

Citizens protested peacefully, and among the banners was one with the verses of the recently deceased poet and writer Djordje Balasevic from Novi Sad: “Save me, God, Novi Sad from everything that happened to him” Save me at least now until I fail. ” .

Those gathered said that although city planners rejected hundreds of complaints from tenants and NGOs, as well as the petition from citizens, they would persevere in their demands.

They affirmed that the issue must be resolved urgently because all green areas are in danger, including playgrounds and sports fields.

In the place where they protested, there is now an open parking lot with trees, and according to the plan, a two-story garage should be built there.

Similar workshops are planned in other parts of Novi Naselje.

The protest was organized by the informal group “For a New Green Settlement” and was held under the name “New Settlement Tea Party”.

The protest was supported by the Society of Architects of Novi Sad, the Urban Guard, the movement Defend the Forests of Frushka Gora, the Association for the Protection of Forests, the Novi Sad Ecological Front, the Center for the Development of the Europolis Democratic Society , citizen initiatives “Salvemos el Liman Concreto” and also the Conceptual Policy Group and the Local Government Initiative.

The organizers said they distance themselves from all political parties.

