Citizens of Albania can enter Serbia with an identification card: the Association


In today’s session of the Government of Serbia on foreign trade, travel of Albanian citizens, financial aid, tourism

Today, the Serbian Government adopted a decision that allows Albanian citizens to enter the territory of Serbia without a travel document, with a valid biometric identification card.

Albanian citizens can enter Serbia with an ID card 1Photo: B. Cvejić

The decision is the result of an interstate agreement signed between the two countries, which will facilitate the flow of people, goods and capital and, in addition, will provide an opportunity for the development of good neighborly relations between the countries of the Western Balkans, announced the Government after the session.

As has been said, the implementation of the decision creates additional preconditions for further development of economic, scientific, educational, sports and cultural cooperation between the two countries.

In today’s session, the Serbian Government adopted a decree on foreign trade centers abroad and other decisions.

This decree allows the Government and the Chamber of Commerce of Serbia to work on the joint promotion of the state and the economy and, as announced, regulate the status, jobs and the way to establish foreign trade centers abroad.

In addition, the members of the Government approved the payment of a one-time financial assistance of 10,000 dinars each to the employees of the social protection institutions for the accommodation of the beneficiaries, whose employment is fully or partially financed from the state budget. That help will be given to them because, as they say, they are dedicated to treating and preventing the spread of the coronavirus epidemic.

10,000 dinars will be paid to professional members of the Serbian army in military health institutions, as well as to health workers employed in the Ministry of the Interior.

The same one-time financial aid will be paid to healthcare workers at the institutes for the execution of criminal penalties, as well as to healthcare workers at the Serbian Institute of Sports and Sports Medicine, the government’s announcement states.

In today’s session, the Schedule and Use of Subsidy Program of 150 million dinars was adopted to support the work of travel agencies – organizers of tourist trips, due to the commercial difficulties caused by the epidemic.

Today’s conclusion of the Government determined that the Museum of Serbian History, which is now in three locations, will be moved to the building of the old main train station in Belgrade.

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