Citizens do not stop calling this phone! They went crazy with rage, waiting 15 minutes for a conversation.



03.09.2020. 08:26

The interest in this line is also demonstrated by the fact that after receiving the connection, you wait 15 minutes to speak with the operator.

Crisis headquarters

Crisis headquarters, Photo: Tanjug

Hit! Open a phone line through which citizens can report those who violate epidemiological measures and organizing parties and celebrations with large numbers of people turned out to be a big step.

Within two days, a large number of people dialed the number 011 / 63-50-322 and applications also came through the portal

Most of those who called reported the organizers of parties and celebrations, mainly in the catering facilities. However, there were also those who denounced parties in apartments and private houses, and a smaller number of citizens pointed out the lack of respect in maintaining physical distance and not wearing masks in places where it is mandatory.

The interest in this line is also demonstrated by the fact that after receiving the connection, you wait 15 minutes to speak with the operator.

Complaints are anonymous, which means that they will not ask for your personal data, and what they report will be forwarded to the inspection and the communal militia as soon as possible.

Let us remind you, after the extraordinary session of the crisis headquarters on Monday, in which it was very stormy, the controls of the catering facilities throughout Serbia were significantly strengthened. Mixed inspection and police teams were formed and went into action the same night.

As the Serbian Telegraph wrote, in the crisis headquarters session, epidemiologists, and especially Predrag Kon, called for stringent penalties for all owners of catering establishments who violate regulations. At one point, as our interlocutors said, Kon even threatened to withdraw if there was not a much more decisive reaction. He and other experts at headquarters were also supported by the Minister of Health, Zlatibor Lončar.

Will it denounce those who violate epidemiological measures?

Immunologist Srđa Janković explains that the state has begun a more rigorous control and has announced draconian punishments for those who do not respect the measures because no one wants the number of infected and sick to increase again.

– In addition, we want to see the effect of going to school and if preventive measures have given results – he concluded.

Health Minister Zlatibor Lončar said that anyone who believes they can cheat the system is very much duped.

In the previous period, the number of infected increased due to various celebrations. We won’t allow that now – demands the minister.

The legal provisions say that anyone who organizes celebrations and other meetings with more than 30 people, regardless of whether it is an enclosed or open space, will pay a fine in the range of 500,000 to two million dinars.
