Citizens apply for 100 euros and a “debtor list” has already been created! (PHOTO)



05/13/2020 20:16

The humorous announcement is spreading on social media in Serbia at a time when citizens request 100 euros that the state donates to people as part of the economic measures.

euro, euros, money

euro, euros, money, Photo: Hello! / Leave Briza

Remember when 1000 euros were promised to each Serbian citizen of the shares? Because of that, the day people sign up for a hundred euros for free, a humorous ad appeared on the Internet, it turns out to be true.

Former Minister of Economy and Regional Development Mladjan Dinkic said in November 2007 that no one would receive less than a thousand euros in the distribution of free shares to Serbian citizens, noting that the final figure would depend on the movement of share prices. in the market.

Dinkic said that the end of 2008 will be the deadline for the sale of shares of 68 companies that have already been privatized by tender, from the portfolio of the Stock Fund and explained that the money from the shares will be entered into the budget, from where Citizens who have not received free behavior will be paid.

Fun internet publication

Fun internet post, Photo: Facebook

The promise was not kept, and he was met with the wrath of all who promised, because, above all, it was a large number in question.

Today, the situation is different, with a different government, president, authorities …

Serbia will fulfill the promise given to the inhabitants and pay 100 euros to whoever wants to get them.

Money, earnings, money, euros, macro.

Money, earnings, money, euros, macro, photo: shutterstock, illustration

Starting today, May 13, 2020, you can apply for 100 euros that the state has determined for all adult citizens as aid for a package of economic measures.

When making the request, it is mandatory to leave the following information: identification number, identification number, name of the bank where you have an account or where you want a dedicated account to be opened.

Minister Siniša Mali announced that the electronic application for the allocation of state aid of 100 euros through the address will start today.


Who is entitled to a single financial assistance in the amount of 100 euros?

All adult citizens of the Republic of Serbia, that the day of the entry into force of the Decree on the establishment of a temporary registry and the method of payment of single financial assistance for all adult citizens of the Republic of Serbia in order to reduce the negative effects caused by the pandemic COVID-19 SARS-CoV-2 (April 24, 2020) have an active residence in the territory of the Republic of Serbia, with a valid identification card.

How can citizens apply?

All pension recipients and recipients of financial social assistance will automatically register for financial assistance, so there is no need to register. Beneficiaries of temporary compensation are also considered pension beneficiaries: disabled workers of the second and third category of disability, that is, remaining work abilities. Other adult citizens of the Republic of Serbia, who have an active residence in the territory of the Republic of Serbia and a valid ID card, can submit their application through the Treasury portal or through the contact center, the number of which will be published. immediately before registration on May 15.

When will the payment start?

Payment for pension recipients and beneficiaries of financial social assistance will begin on May 15, 2020. If the pension beneficiary or the beneficiary of financial social assistance does not have a checking account, a single dedicated account will be opened at the Savings Bank Postcard for this purpose, to be closed after the citizen withdraws the money.

Payment for all other adult citizens of the Republic of Serbia, who have previously registered through the Treasury Administration or Contact Center portal, will start no later than June 1, 2020.

How will a citizen who does not have a checking account get money?

If the citizen does not have a checking account, it is necessary to indicate when sending the request in which bank you want to open a single dedicated account. After that, the account will be opened automatically, at no cost. After the citizen withdraws the money, the dedicated account will be closed.

Do funds in a dedicated account have to be withdrawn in cash at the bank counter or can they be redirected directly to some payments?

The funds in the dedicated account are withdrawn in cash. Once the funds are withdrawn, the dedicated account will be closed, which is opened only for that purpose. However, the citizen is not limited and can, in a contractual relationship with the bank, define additional services that he would use with a specific bank and that would be related to these funds.

If a citizen has received money in his current account, which was previously active, he can get rid of it as he usually does.

Can a citizen who does not have a checking account receive 100 euros in someone else’s account?

There is no possibility of paying a single assistance to someone else’s account. If the citizen does not have a checking account, a single dedicated account will be opened at the bank of their choice at the time of registration, at no additional cost.

Do citizens who have just turned 18 and do not have an ID card have to get that ID to apply?

Pursuant to the current Identity Card Law, a citizen over the age of 16, who has a residence in the territory of the Republic of Serbia, is required to have an identity card. The right to one-time assistance (in addition to pension beneficiaries and all beneficiaries of financial social assistance) have adult citizens of the Republic of Serbia, who on the day of the entry into force of this decree have active residence in the Republic of Serbia, with a valid ID card. One-time financial assistance through the Treasury Administration portal or by phone through the contact center, by sending data: your JMBG, registration number of a valid ID card and the name of the bank where it is opened or the account of the citizen to whom the financial assistance will be paid will be opened.

How can citizens whose ID card has expired and cannot obtain a new one due to the state of emergency?

The temporary registration of adult citizens of the Republic of Serbia, which was formed by the Decree, refers to adult citizens with a valid identification card on the day the Decree comes into force, that is, on April 24, 2020 If the citizen identification card has expired during the state of emergency, you will be entitled to use financial assistance only once.

Did only the holder of the financial assistance receive the payment and did other members of the same family apply, or did the whole family automatically receive 100 euros each? Should other recipients of social benefits apply?

Only beneficiaries of financial social assistance, that is, the holder of financial social assistance and other adult members of their family, receive the payment automatically, that is, without registration. All other beneficiaries of social benefits must apply for this financial support once, through the Treasury portal or by phone through the contact center.

Do temporary unemployment benefits recipients automatically register or receive pension benefits?

They need to register, through the Treasury portal or by phone through the contact center.

Are Serbian citizens living in Croatia or Bosnia and Herzegovina entitled to 100 euros?

The right to single assistance (in addition to pension beneficiaries, and all beneficiaries of financial social assistance), have adult citizens of the Republic of Serbia, who on the day of the entry into force of this decree have active residence in the Republic of Serbia, with valid ID, and applying for unique financial assistance through the Treasury Administration portal or by phone through the contact center.

Are citizens born in the Republic of Serbia, residing in Serbia and working and receiving a pension from abroad entitled to 100 euros?

Yes, if they have citizenship of the Republic of Serbia, active residence in the Republic of Serbia and a valid ID card. They must be registered through the Treasury portal or through the contact center.

Will non-pensioned citizens over the age of 65 receive direct payment or is an application required?

It is necessary to register through the Treasury portal or by phone through the contact center and have citizenship of the Republic of Serbia, active residence in the Republic of Serbia and a valid ID card the day the Decree enters into validity.

Can funds allocated directly be redirected to humanitarian organizations?

This feature is not provided. However, this does not restrict users from donating funds to humanitarian organizations, once they have been withdrawn from their accounts.

Are the citizens of Kosovo and Metohija entitled to 100 euros?

All adult citizens of the Republic of Serbia, who on the day of entry into force of this Decree have an active residence in the territory of the Republic of Serbia, with a valid ID card, and who apply for financial assistance only once to through the Treasury portal or by phone. – center sending data: JMBG, registration number of a valid identification card and the name of the bank with which the account of that citizen was opened or will be opened, to which a single financial aid will be paid.

Are Serbian citizens who have a Serbian passport and who live in the Republika Srpska and do not have a Republic of Serbia ID card have the right to apply for it?

The right to single assistance (in addition to pension beneficiaries and all beneficiaries of financial social assistance) have adult citizens of the Republic of Serbia, who on the day of the entry into force of this decree have active residence in the Republic of Serbia, with a valid ID card. One-off financial assistance through the Treasury Administration portal or by phone through the contact center.

How can you send an application if one of the pensioners does not want to pay?

Since pension beneficiaries automatically register for financial aid in the amount of 100 euros, this possibility is not foreseen. However, if they do not want to use that aid, they can donate it for humanitarian purposes.
