Citizen Protector: Police ineffective in reports of rooftop gatherings


The Citizen’s Protector determined that police officers in Belgrade, Nis and Novi Sad did not establish their identities or consider the existence of grounds for filing misdemeanor charges against unknown persons who gathered on the roofs of buildings during the state of emergency. at night due to “inappropriate and ineffective handling of citizen reports.” it recommended the initiation of a disciplinary process against the police officers in charge of handling citizen complaints. “

In the recommendations to correct omissions at work, the Citizen Protector asked the Ministry of the Interior (MUP) of Serbia to take all necessary measures so that police officers in future work take all necessary actions in a timely manner to in order to establish public order and peace. identify the perpetrators of misdemeanors, submit requests for the initiation of trials for misdemeanors if there are grounds for it) ”, he recalls in the statement from the Protectora de Ciudadanos.

It is added that the police administrations of the Ministry of the Interior in Belgrade, Nis and Novi Sad “should carry out a disciplinary process against the police officers who were in charge of dealing with citizen complaints of the gathering of unknown persons on the roofs of residential buildings in the period from April 29, 2020 to May 3, 2020, in order to determine if they committed any of the serious breaches of duty provided for in article 207 of the Police Law in the processing of previous complaints ”.

“The Ministry of the Interior will ensure that similar omissions do not occur in the treatment of citizen complaints to avoid the commission of misconduct and punish those responsible,” said the Protector of Citizenship and asked the ministry to inform him of the result of disciplinary proceedings within 60 days. measures taken.

In the procedure initiated on their own initiative after meeting the media, the Protector of Citizens determined that the police in these three cities failed to avoid the concentrations of strangers by not acting on the reports submitted by citizens since April 29. from 2020 until May 3, 2020. on the roofs of residential buildings that used pyrotechnic devices (torches, firecrackers) on that occasion, at a time when there was a ban on driving in public places.

The Protector of Citizenship has determined that due to the aforementioned omissions in the work of the police, the identity of the people who are potential perpetrators of violations of public order and peace, which are regulated by the Law of Public Order and Peace, and violations of the driving ban during a state of emergency. The decree of measures during the state of emergency ”, is stated in the announcement.

The consequence of such actions by the police was the danger of disturbing public order and peace in the aforementioned period, but the efficient implementation of the Serbian Government’s measures to suppress and prevent the spread of the infectious disease Kovid- 19 and protect the population, determined the Protector of Citizens.
