Both government officials and experts agree that citizens should be vaccinated as soon as possible, but also allowed, as promised, to choose the vaccine, but this is not yet possible at this time. In practice. In theory, that is, on the Internet, they can decide what they want to be immunized with. If they don’t choose Chinese, the only thing for sure is that they will wait.
You have expressed interest and circled which vaccine you want, but in reality, however, it is like the proverb “kiss or go.” The choice of Serbian citizens is slowly coming down to a vaccine from China …
“War is people, war is in the true sense of the word. It’s about people’s lives. When I say lives, so that people understand, now someone says that you lose half an hour for vaccination … No, no, the vaccine issue is a question of economic survival, ”says Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić.
The lines for the vaccine are longer today, and epidemiologist Zoran Radovanović believes it is due to the president’s statement that there may not be another vaccine in seven days.
N1: Today your message is “there is a war, it is completely a war for vaccines”, can we expect a bigger crowd tomorrow and that is some kind of intimidation?
“Here there is intimidation, it is not unusual, the only thing is that the call had a positive effect, epidemiologically speaking, it is convenient that such a large percentage of the population is protected in this way”, responds epidemiologist Zoran Radovanović.
Darija Kisić Tepavčević, a member of the crisis staff, also said from the fair that vaccination is generally good for everyone.
“As we get stronger, the virus will weaken and that is our only weapon in the fight against this virus.” And now we clearly see that light at the end of the tunnel, which is getting stronger and stronger, “said Kisić Tepavčević.
Pfizer and the Russian vaccine are late to Serbia, but, as President Vučić says, it is the best vaccine and reveals how he learned that the vaccine that Serbian citizens receive the most is of the highest quality.
“Since I read a report from a Western secret service, which no one else reads, I read in a paragraph that a Chinese vaccine is the best and I tried to get it,” Vucic said.
“It is completely absurd for the president of the state, especially the president of a political party, to solve all our problems. This means that the executive bodies – the Government, the Ministry – either do not exist or are not capable, and only the African Emperor Bokaso ruled like this, “says Radovanović.
However, no one can stop the president in his affairs, and he does not reveal to citizens how much they pay for the vaccine. He says he wrote to Chinese President Xi in October and lowered the price as if to fight for new vaccines.
“There is no mediator, and when you see the price, one day you will erect a monument to me,” Vucic said.
While we wait for the president to figure it out and until we can ask how our money is being spent, the promise is that everyone who has received the vaccine thus far will receive the revaccination from the same manufacturer.
Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.