CHILDREN AND THE THIRD CROWN WAVE Director of “Tiršova” on which organs the kovid attacks in children and what is the difference in relation to adults


So far, we have run an elective program, that is, all programs on a regular basis and according to plan, and the specialty clinics have been working at full capacity. Starting tomorrow, we are reducing the elective program and interventions that are not urgent, as well as those whose delay will not affect the success of the treatment – says Dr. Sinisa Ducic, acting director of the “Tirsova” University Children’s Clinic.

Likewise, he pointed out that all emergencies, patients with malignant diseases and those in which the delay of the operation could affect the poor result of the treatment, will be carried out without delay.

– The third wave of the crown has taken off seriously, there are a lot of new infections every day in Serbia and our aim is to reduce the circulation through the hospital to reduce the possibility of infecting health workers and children – said Dr. Ducic for “Kurir”.

He noted that at this time, there are no positive children.

– There are three children who have been admitted and are waiting for the test result. All children who enter the clinic for other diseases, and have some of the signs of covid infection, such as fever, sore throat, cough, are tested and in most cases it is negative and then is placed in the room to which it belongs – he explained. the.

The number of “common” viruses that cause respiratory infections is growing slowly, he adds, but is common for this time of year. Fortunately, the flu hasn’t arrived yet, he says.

Dr. Ducic also explained what characterizes the third wave of coronavirus in children.

– In patients passing through “Tirsova”, we do not see a significant difference in relation to the two previous waves. There is no significant difference in the number of children we suspect or determine to have kovid 19. I must emphasize that patients with signs of kovid infection, requiring hospitalization, are referred to KBC “Dr Dragisa Misovic”, which is the decision of the Commission of Experts on Pediatrics of the Republic. determined to be an institution for the hospitalization of covid positive children, and “Tiršova” and the Institute for Mother and Child are intended to treat the most difficult patients who require respiratory assistance – he explained.

When it comes to children on a respirator, there are now no such cases.

Baby on a respirator

– There were several cases in the first wave and they all turned out great! We had one active covid patient, four covid complications, and a positive newborn mother. As soon as the woman gave birth, the baby who had a congenital anomaly had to take a respirator and everything ended well, she said, adding that the clinical picture in children is now the same as before and that more forms rarely occur. severe coronavirus.

Photo: Vladimir Živojinović / RAS Serbia

The doctor also explained that the crown in children is less likely to attack other organs compared to adults.

– Most children have a mild picture of upper respiratory tract infection, which is a runny nose, cough … The heart, kidneys, liver, central nervous system are rarely affected – he said, adding that children do not have a clotting problem like most adults.

When it comes to therapy for children, Dr. Dučić says that “there is no causal therapy.”

– Symptoms are relieved, that is, symptomatic therapy is administered. Vitamin D3, zinc and vitamin C are recommended to support the immune system, just as in adults, but the doses are adjusted for the age of children, he explained.

Triage: Isolation with full protection

The doctor also explained in detail how the work of the clinic has been working since the beginning of the epidemic.

– At first, we adapt to function in the conditions of a pandemic. All measures have been taken to prevent infection from entering the clinic, in order to protect our patients in the first place, as well as healthcare workers and non-medical personnel. At the entrance of the clinic there is a reception triage. All patients and their parents have their temperatures measured and a brief interview is conducted to establish whether there are symptoms of the disease or possibly contact with covid-positive patients, he said.

Patients who have a fever, as well as all those suspected of having covid, are referred to an isolated part of the clinic.

– They are examined by doctors with complete epidemiological protection equipment. Patients who request admission to the clinic, and there is a suspicion that they are positive, are admitted to a special part of the clinic, where they are cared for by nurses and doctors with full protective equipment and after tests, when find no positives, they are transferred to the room. said Dr. Ducic.

VIDEO: How to care for people with coronavirus
