Chief of the Sabac Police Department: The police went out to the field, there was no disturbance of order and peace.


“Immediately after the report of the president of the Electoral Commission of the city in Sabac, Budimir Pavlovic, that several people who do not allow the members of the GIK to leave the municipal building gathered in front of the municipal building, the police went to the place”, Sabac Police Chief Zoran Jevdjenic said. .

We remind you that the chairman of the Šabac Municipal Election Commission, Budimir Pavlović, told H1 that SNS activists and leaders in Šabac were physically preventing the members of the Municipal Election Commission from leaving the room in which they were sitting.

The mayor of Sabac, Nebojsa Zelenovic, added that the police were also called, but they did not come.

The head of the Sabac Police Administration, Zoran Jevđenić, stated that “Zelenović’s claims that the police did not react to the report of the members of the Šabac City Election Commission are absolutely incorrect.”

“It is true that immediately after the report of the chairman of the City Election Commission, Budimir Pavlović, that several people who do not allow GIK members to leave the municipal building gathered in front of the municipal building, the police rushed to the scene. -A subway from the municipal building there is a group of people who said that they came to protect the electoral will of the citizens, and on that occasion there was no alteration of public order and peace, nor did anyone block the entrances to the building of the municipality of Sabac where The Municipal Electoral Commission is also in. The police also acted on Budimir Pavlović’s report that there are people on the first floor of the municipal building who impede the work of the GIK, and upon entering the municipal building it was also determined that there was no disturbance of order public and peace, and no one present In the building he denounced that he was in danger in some way, more precisely, no illicit actions were found during the arrival of the police to the place, and everything was reported to the new prosecutor’s office in Sabac, “said Jevđenić .

The head of the Sabac Police Department asked Nebojsa Zelenovic and everyone else “not to abuse the police for political purposes with incorrect claims that they did not react and thereby mislead the citizens.”
