Cheaper Wood Heating: How Much Money Will Citizens Spend on Warm Homes?


Belgrade: an energy of about 9,000 kWh is needed to heat an isolated average living space of 60 square meters.

Source: B92

Photo: Depositphotos, Gudella

Photo: Depositphotos, Gudella

These data refer to conditions at 20 degrees Celsius for 16 hours a day throughout the apartment, 180 days in the heating season.

The estimated average heating consumption in Serbia is 150 kWh per square meter.

The lowest energy costs for heating, for the indicated conditions, in the heating season 2020/2021. (according to October 2020 prices) there are households that heat with wood in the areas of Serbia where you can buy at lower prices (for example, 4,650 dinars per cubic meter) and if they have newer stoves whose efficiency is higher, for example 65 percent.

In that case, they need 38,300 dinars during the season to buy fuel. Households that use more expensive firewood (priced at 6,350 dinars per cubic meter) have significantly higher costs, around 62,000 dinars, and have more efficient stoves.

Based on the average price of natural gas in Serbia, 42,000 dinars should be reserved for heating throughout the winter season, with the added benefit of its use and the convenience it provides. Net coal heating costs (48,000 to 52,000 dinars).

For citizens who heat with pellets, the annual cost is around 59,000 dinars, if burned in more efficient stoves built for this fuel.

Households using heat storage stoves will cost 50,000 dinars, but only if they use only cheaper electricity.

Recharging the stove by using more expensive electricity for just two hours a day, increases costs by 44 percent, amounting to about 72,000 dinars, which is more expensive than most alternative fuels, according to the site. website of the Energy Agency of the Republic of Serbia.

Homes that use electricity directly in heaters and boilers for ethane, propane butane, and bad oil heating have the highest energy costs for heating.

For the purchase of power or energy, which is needed to heat an average apartment throughout the season, they must reserve 133,000 dinars for electricity, 122,000 dinars for propane butane gas, and 85,000 dinars for bad oil.

Compared to the previous year, the only prices are not oil at 29 percent and propane butane gas at 4 percent. Other prices have not changed significantly.

These amounts include only the costs of supplying energy, that is, fuel, and do not include investment costs (eg, Acquisition of furnaces and installation of central heating installations) and costs of periodic inspections and maintenance.
