CHAOS IN THE STUDIO: Vesić and Jovana Joksimović calm the crazy anti-vaccinated Mila Alečković (VIDEO)


Presenter Jovana Joksimović tried in vain to restrain the mad guest screaming in the studio, repeating dangerous anti-vaccination slogans.

Even in the strange environment of so-called “avaks,” Mila Aleckovic is a special case because she promotes by far the craziest conspiracy theories. Even today, did you describe yourself on the show as a “channel for world science”? Vesić told him that he was “ashamed of the doctors” and that he was “talking nonsense”, while Alečković told him that he was a “charlatan” and that “they were not on the same level”.

The stormy conversation part, which you can follow in the video at the beginning of the text, sounded like this:

Aleckovic: I am sorry for the people who die, but they also die from other viruses. Mortality is the same! Sorry, but why are you torturing all healthy people to wear masks …

Jovana Joksimović then asked her if she wore a mask herself, and Mila Alečković continued with her own style.

Aleckovic: Just work! I have no idea! I don’t wear a mask because it causes pneumonia. If you wear a mask …

Jovana Joksimović tried again to prevent the guest from making false statements by asking her if she was respecting any measures.

Aleckovic: Not these measurements! I heal people who are afraid! I explain that it can be treated with protocol! (It lists a list of drugs, many of which have been shown not to work against coronavirus.) This virus is inactivated in five days if you take these medications! You don’t need any vaccinations!

Vesić: Now you are a medicine expert ?!

Aleckovic: I respect the protocol of world medicine … The measures do not make sense!

Jovana Joksimović tried to calm the guest, whose pressure, however, was constantly growing, as well as the force of the shouts and accusations against “scammers” and “pharmacomafia”.

When Mila Aleckovic finally got together, Jovana Joksimovic tried to point out what doctors had been saying for months: that it was dangerous to ask people not to get vaccinated. At that comment, Mila Aleckovic detonated again.

Aleckovic: I’m not asking you not to get vaccinated, but to think! If science says this is not a vaccine, I just say, “People think!” Nothing else! Read in foreign languages!

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