CHAOS IN FRONT OF PHARMACY IN NORTHERN MITROVICA: Police tried to seize drugs, large number of citizens gathered (VIDEO)


As Vojkan Laketic, the owner of one of the pharmacies in North Mitrovica, told Kosovo online, the action was organized to check whether the drugs sold in Serbian pharmacies are registered in the Kosovo health system.

– The problem is that our doctors work according to the Serbian system, which means that the doctors prescribe medicines that are registered in the Serbian system. If you take an average pharmacy in northern Mitrovica, more than 80 percent of the drugs are not registered in the Kosovo system, and now those drugs have been confiscated. And in the middle of this pandemic, now that we see what the numbers are with the newly infected, the deceased … while they themselves were not wearing protective equipment, and 15 of them entered – said Laketić.

As you mentioned, the Pristina authorities are the only ones to blame for such a situation.

– They imposed it themselves, five years ago they promised in agreements in Brussels that they would register all our products. Of course, there was none of that promise and now it has been kept that way. So solve the state, and then we will work according to that system, Laketić said.

As he said, they also received great support from the citizens of North Mitorvica.

– With the help of the people, we defended what could have been defended. Now the question is what will happen tomorrow, maybe they will be announced, and maybe they will come again without notice like today, without documents. Today, they simply broke into the man’s pharmacy and threatened to seize everything they found. They even called a customs van, if people hadn’t gathered, they probably would have taken everything from them, Laketić said.

The owner of the raided pharmacy, Blagoje Savić, visibly upset, said that the motive for today’s action was political in nature.

– That’s a political reason for nothing else. I am registered and paying taxes. They demand that all medicines and products be from Kosovo, and that is impossible. Our healthcare workers and doctors prescribe other medicines and the healthcare system in Kosovo and Serbia is not the same. Doctors must switch to their health care system first, and only then to pharmacies, Savić said.

Not wanting to give more information about how everything was, Savić also wondered if anyone was thinking when they came to seize the drugs.

– What happened now, in the middle of a pandemic … I don’t know what to say … and I don’t know if anyone is thinking about what will happen in the northern part of Kosovo, when it is not possible to buy a medicine, and thousands thousands people are sick. That needs to be addressed. This is not the solution, and yet we cannot argue and argue endlessly. Savić was honest.

(Kosovo online)

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