CEREMONIAL PROMOTION LIVE Greetings to the commander, then the beats of the March on Drina! Younger Officers vs. the Supreme Commander


  • Everything that could improve you today catches your eye. Some Aries will feel the need for spirituality during this period. Stable health.

  • With you the emotions are capable of oscillating to the point that one day you are willing to exalt yourself with the beautiful things that make life, so much the other day they pressure you …

  • You are in the mood to enjoy that softer part of your nature and express your love for the world around you in the most sincere way. You are wonderful and …

  • You have no way to deal with everything that comes your way and you feel like even if there was a way, you don’t have the strength to do it. Not everything is as black as …

  • Mood and a big smile is what you will take with you today. It is as if you have finally achieved what you aspire to in all fields, then the satisfaction explodes …

  • He would just stay away from all events for a while and gather energy for peace in the future. You need time to order your prints and …

  • You run somewhere and try to reach something, you move almost chaotically, but you read that mess somehow. You have sportsmanship. Health is …

  • Money is in the foreground and the opportunity to win it in general. On the one hand, you are satisfied with the current situation, and on the other hand, if there is a possibility of that, …

  • Today you could literally be someone’s shoulder to cry on! Your efforts to help and comfort are healing that person. Health is excellent, …

  • Your day is more about friendly contacts than serious work. You are fed up with obligations and you no longer feel like surrendering to them with your own …

  • You are happy with yourself because you are contributing to a higher idea. Through it, you have the realization of your own business goals in mind, and for now, things are going according to plan. …

  • You have a beautiful day ahead of you. You really are not exempt from obligations, on the contrary, in business, today you will be used to the maximum, but you will not get too excited. …

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