CELEBRATED ON THE DAY OF SERBIAN UNITY IN BANJA LUKA Dodik: Serbia and Srpska will be a single state (PHOTO)


He said in a speech in front of the Palace of the Republic in Banja Luka that the Serbian army in World War I, breaking through the Thessaloniki front, found the strength and the motive to liberate Serbian territories, including Banja Luka.

– In Arandjelovdan in 1918, not far from here, a Serbian unit was lined up that liberated Banja Luka, and we will organize that space to be a place of remembrance, Dodik said.

He said that at that time they wanted to join Serbia, in which they were unsuccessful, but that there was a historical aspiration of the local Serbian people in that direction, which is natural in the political sense.

– Today we have two states, Serbia and Srpska, and the aspiration is to be a single state, building security and the future of the entire region, which no one can take away from us. We want it in a peaceful and civilized way, “Dodik said.

Photo: V. Tripić

He stressed that it is unacceptable for the Serbs of Bosnia and Herzegovina to be called aggressors in the country where they were born.

– They are trying to abolish our rights, the Serb, and that is their official policy, but our policy is a policy of peace, protection of our values. This day is the day of Serbian unity and membership of the Serbian people. We are not Bosnian Serbs, but we want to be respected as one people and not be humiliated in that sense. We are Serbs and that is the only way we can participate in dialogue, Dodik said, adding that it is natural for Serbs to live in one state.

He believes that if the dialogue between Serbs, Bosnians and Croats in Bosnia and Herzegovina is not successful, the aspiration of Serbs to live in peace in their country should be strengthened.
