Cedars were cut in Nis due to the construction of the entrance to the Delta shopping center


An alley of 13 cedars on Nemanjić Boulevard in Niš was cut down to build the entrance to the future “Delta Planet” shopping complex, city councilor Nenad Stanković told Beta news agency.

“The urban plan contemplates the entrance to the place where the cedars were. The plan was adopted two years ago, at a time when the construction of the complex has not yet begun. Now we are only implementing something that was adopted then,” Stankovic said.

Stankovic said the decision made earlier by the city allowed investors to cut down trees, but plant five new ones for every tree cut down.

“The investor paid the utility company ‘Mediana’ to cut cedars, buy and plant new seedlings. ‘Mediana’ will plant 140 new seedlings around the complex, because in addition to cedars, poplars and some other trees have been cut down,” he said Stanković. .

After the logging of 13 cedars yesterday, outraged residents of Nis flooded social media with photos of felled trees.

Citizens are horrified that some of the most beautiful trees on Nemanjić Boulevard, only 15 years old, have been cut down.

Representatives of the Serbian Movement City Organization Dveri warned citizens for several weeks that the cedars would be cut down and called on city leaders to preserve those trees.

It was also noted that each cedar annually absorbs 250 kilograms of carbon dioxide, as well as other harmful substances from the air, so that after cutting down 13 trees, there will be three and a half tons more of smog, carbon dioxide and dust in the air in Nis.
