Suffice it to say Dragan Markovic Palma!
He is a family man who sees his Jagodina as his family. He is a real host.
He is considered one of the most resourceful politicians in Serbia. He loves nature, but everyone knows him as a great boxer.
Dragan Markovic Palma is the first politician to allow Kurir Television to scan it. We knew he was a good speaker because we often hear him in the Assembly and in other places where politics is discussed, but now he has shown a new face: the other side of the personality. Emotions, laughter and a few words of anger, all on the “Stage” program.
“I don’t know how I’m going to do this on your scan … I was on an MRI once when I had a headache. The doctor said, ‘Hey Dragan, you don’t have anything on your head.’ I hope this scan is easier”. In a humorous tone, in his style, Palma began.
“Let’s not talk about the crown, let’s dedicate this show to something else.”
“I had a crown for 40 minutes. I was so hot. I am glad I had a crown as a politician, because politicians have political immunity. And we need to have a crown, feel what it is, help others.”

When asked what he was like as a child, he said:
“He was as restless as a tern, as the Moravian Rockers would say. My dad made me work, we were the biggest brickmakers. My only toy was a brick, so I didn’t feel like a child like other children, which may have helped me in life. “.
“We go as a family to the sea in Dubrovnik. A guy jumps off a rock, hits his head and stays in a pool of blood. I say, I’m going to jump too. The children and a woman are crying, but I jump.” .
“I have always been different from others. I am a humanist.”
“I was very good at school.”
“My grandfather gave us 200 dinars for every fifth grade, and my brothers and I constantly took it from him, and when the parents’ meeting came and it was obvious that we had two and three, he asked us to get our money back.”
“My father died when I was 23, so I became a host when I was young.”

“I’m not ashamed to say … I’m getting married … We had a ‘Volga’. I was looking for dad’s car, he told me he could if he came back in an hour. I came back in two hours, dad was waiting for me and beaten , while my wife watched. I was in full force, but it did not occur to me to defend myself from my father. I say it publicly for the first time. “
“Business partners force me to demonstrate my martial arts skills.”
“What was he doing? He had a trucking company, we produced sugar beets, he had a cafeteria and a restaurant” …
“I won more at a fair in Jagodina. I won complete furniture for the entire floor of the house.”
The first kiss?
“My wife often reproaches me for that, because she is from Koncarevo, like me. I don’t remember, and he says to me: ‘Do you remember, you’re kissing someone, we go by and you tell us to run away?’

“In Jagodina, for 16 years, students who finish 4th and 8th grade go to Montenegro to the sea, those who finish high school go to Greece, which does not have a funeral, the city pays, all citizens have free transport , each town is paved and there are 2 fields, each town has a cultural and artistic society, we also help sports clubs, through donors students go to Paralia and Vienna … I took somewhere more than 50,000 people from Jagodina, as well as students from other cities. “
“We are the only city where the members of the City Council do not receive a salary. There are no travel expenses, we pay up to 500 dinars for the phone bill ”…
How did you get involved in politics?
“I saw the politicians at that time, they demolished people’s houses, because they added two rooms when they got a grandson. I am not in favor of demolition, I am in favor of construction.”
“I said about the last convocation, that four or five ministers could not even be porters with me.”
“In the Kostunica government, one man, Naumov, was the minister of energy, so faith. What does that have to do with each other? I have nothing against that man.”
“Now my brother Dacic is very well, as is Vucic.”
“Until six or seven years ago, Dacic did not go to the sea, he did not have time, but since United Serbia has an office in Paralia, I took him.”
“When I was riding it on a motorcycle, I wanted to drown.”

Dacic said about Palma that they have known each other for 25 years and that they are friends and brothers.
“He even once told Vučić that I shot him with a bag. We do not agree on everything. I offered him to come to Belgrade 100 times. Tadić and Vučić also offered him to be a minister, and he did not want to leave his village.” Dacic said, to which Palma added:
“Every time I go to Dacic’s, he gives me a tompus. I was in a hurry that day. He packed me a bag, and it was not tompus, but tompus’ grandchildren. When I told him that, he threw a bag at me.”
About Ceca and Arkan:
“Mint dared to tell her everything! Arkan says something to him, she says: Come on, shut up. He laughs and shut up. I have witnessed that. Since I met him, I cannot say a single bad word about Zeljko Raznatovic Arkan “.
“All politicians loved Arkan, Djindjic was the first to express his condolences when he was killed.”
“If there were a scale to measure love, the love of Arkan and Ceca would be at the maximum.”
“I’ve been at her house for lunch several times, everything was prepared by Ceca and her mother. Suck your fingers.”
“It was very difficult for me when he was killed. I didn’t listen to or go to a pub for a year. I didn’t go to the Intercontinental for 10-11 years after that.”
“My friend Jota and I went to France. A guy comes up to us on the Champs-Elysées, I see he’s a ‘flute player’. He had an ass bigger … than me, and he stuck to his. He asked me for his shoulder and he for your butt … “.
Given Palma’s position on the LGBT population, he was approached by a transgender person, Elektra Elit, who was otherwise the father of two children.

“Is this this or this?” Palma asked.
“Did you have surgery or castration?”
“Madam or sir, it would not be God who created Adam and Eve, but Adam and Steve if they could have children.”
“Every year, 35,000 more people die in Serbia every year than children are born. Perhaps that is the reason when it comes to homosexuals.”
“Well, I don’t watch Eurovision for that ‘horse’ anymore.
“Let them do what they want in their four walls. How can two men with mustaches and beards kiss in a movie?! How can I explain it to the children?”
“Let me tell you what happened in Istanbul, where I was with the pasha. A Turk wanted to drag us over to look at the leather jackets, but his hand came close to the back of my body and then everything happened. The glass broke. .. Then I was attacked. I am not in favor of violence and bloodshed. “
“It’s not my ideology, I was born that way. We will never vote so that you can marry and adopt other people’s children.”
“It’s not difficult to climb a camel when it lands in the sand, but when it starts to climb … And I took 20 journalists, so I think if I fall now, everyone will take pictures of me.”
“The singers didn’t court me, because I didn’t laugh until 2000. I rarely laughed.”
“Sometimes I know how to give money for music. I give Gianni 3,000 dinars, but he doesn’t take it from me.”

delivery courier
Author: delivery courier